The Five R's to Repair the Weary
Speaking of Joye, LLC
TEDx Speaker, Best-Selling Author & Coach. Encouraging women to unleash the power within and walk in their purpose.
Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.
Galatians 6:9 KJV
I love this scripture! I’m not ashamed to say it’s one of my favorites and if you’re reading this today, whatever faith you profess to have, (or not have,) I know for certain: you want to do well AND be well in life. Friend, you’ve come to the right place!
Let’s face it, we all suffer from burnout at some point. When was the last time you heard yourself say, “I’m sooooo tired?!” I can guarantee those words have left your lips within the last 24 hours. Many of us are juggling several key roles; father, mother, employee, board director, PTA chair, usher, coach… and the list goes on. There are times when we lack motivation and we cannot seem to muster up the energy to take the next step, check the next job off the list, or even enjoy our relationships like we once did. When we do, we’re disappointed in our performance because we didn’t give it our best shot, simply because there’s nothing left in the tank.
If this sounds familiar and you’ve had enough of being on life’s treadmill, this series is going to do you so much good. Take a few moments out with me today and over the next five weeks, to rest, reflect and recover! I’m going to take you through five steps that have enabled me to increase my productivity, whilst being kind to myself and others in the process. By the end of these articles, and as you put these principles into practice, I’m convinced you’ll find the inspiration you need to continue.
Am I Weary or Tired?
There is a difference between being tired and being weary. In my experience, many of us never get the support or encouragement we need because we do not effectively articulate how we’re feeling. For example, from time to time, I’ve told my husband that I am overwhelmed and tired and his response has always been the same; “Get some rest! Go to sleep at night! Stop staying up so late!” While I find myself frustrated with his response, I realize that he is correct. If you’re tired you need to catch up on some sleep. To be tired, by dictionary definition, means to be in need of sleep or rest.
To be weary is something completely different. ‘Weary’ occurs when you are in a state of depletion.
‘Weary’ is when your tank is empty; spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and even physically. Weariness is exhausting in itself, and many times is much harder to articulate. We cannot always put into words when that challenge has pushed us from being tired and needing rest, into the arena of running on empty.
Sometimes we do our best to give our best but we don’t always get the best in return. And if you’re anything like me, you give because it’s in your nature, but sometimes you find yourself giving out of an already depleted tank and in desperate need of replenishment. Don’t you just want to shout, “I’ve had enough!?”
Well friend, you are not alone. Many of us have been there. As a matter of fact, I was there just recently. In June 2020, I found myself unemployed and keeping faith for my new season. I worked for a company for six years and gave my best each and every day. I was promoted from manager to executive within those six years and made an impact within the organization that will have profound and lasting effects, but at the same time, I had grown weary.
So as I lay in my bed and watched the clock tick, I prayed for peace. Bombarded with thoughts of our family’s need, paying bills, finding insurance, contributing to my household and maintaining my faith in the midst of a world plagued by pandemic, police brutality and racial injustice, I prayed for peace…. and what you’re about to read is the result of that time. I’m calling it “5 R’s to Repair the Weary” and I’m absolutely convinced that as you join me on this journey, you will be refreshed and ready to tackle your commitments with a greater sense of perspective, productivity and peace.
Here’s how to make the most of this investment in yourself:
? Step 1: Find a quiet place so that you can really focus without interruption. As a mom of twin girls and running my own business, I know this can be difficult, but the best leaders are always those who invest in themselves.
? Step 2: Take a few moments before you go ahead and read on, to clear your mind from the distractions and pressures of the day. You might want to do some deep breathing exercises or, if you’re a prayerful person, take a minute out to do so.
? Step 3: Have a notepad and pen to hand. These strategies will only make a significant difference when you can apply them to your own life and you owe it to yourself to pinpoint and make those changes.
? Step 4: Read on and reflect!
Week One: Rest
When you are weary... take a break
There! I said it. When you are weary, (and we all get weary from time to time,) it is beneficial to take a break. For many of us, in this results-driven age, ‘rest’ has become synonymous with weakness but there is no need to continue when you know cannot. If you push yourself too far, you will find yourself frustrated, angry, unproductive, and even worse-off than when you started. The world tells us we are strong and that we can do anything and while this may be true, it is my firm conviction, even experience, that we cannot do everything. So many of us are weary, but friend, there is a way out of your weariness and it starts with rest!
Rest induces recovery. Think about when you go to the doctor or you have an injury. They will give you all the medicines and explanations you need; but most of the time they simply deal with the impact of the injury whilst you are on the road to recovery, and recovery takes place most effectively when you rest.
Did you know that rest and sleep are not one and the same? Sleep involves caring for your body. Rest, however, involves your whole being. This is why you can get a good night’s sleep and still be sluggish or tired in the morning. It is also why you find yourself drained by the end of the day. You definitely need good quality sleep, but you may also need rest.
One of my struggles has been giving myself permission to rest. I want to be the best and most present wife, mother, daughter, friend, and employee and so I sacrifice myself to be all these things for others. Now, don’t get me wrong – it’s my heart’s desire to be a servant; but everyone needs a break now and then and it wasn’t until my therapist (yes, we all need one) challenged me about being overwhelmed that I realized I was stressing myself out. The more I did, the wearier I became. She challenged me to let the dishes sit in the sink an extra night, to order take-out instead of home-cooking and to let my husband chip in! And while the house ran without me (which to my surprise it did), I took the opportunity to rest.
I decided to establish a new routine. Instead of coming home from work, via the gym and then the store to home-cook a meal for my family, I chose to come straight back from the office, change out of my work clothes and rest. I will admit that at first, I felt guilty about making this time for myself, but I realized just how much more present I could be as a result. I felt re-energized and ready for action again. Heck, even God rested on the seventh day, and He was creating the world! And if He can do it, we can do it. It’s time to rest.
“But Joye,” you say, “how on earth can I do that? My schedule is full, my family is demanding and if I stop, won’t it all fall apart?” I have news for you! In the most liberating and wonderful sense, (and I know how much value you bring to your world,) you are not indispensable and not one of us should endeavor to be. It only leads to burn out.
Reflection and Application
If you’re not sure where to start, here are some simple suggestions. I urge you to think about each one and jot down a couple of ways in which you can easily apply them to your own life.
First of all, if you are a prayerful person, why don’t you join me in asking for some heavenly assistance!
Prayer: God, I need to rest. It’s hard for me and I don’t know where to begin. Help me. Remove any guilt associated with “not-doing.” Help me to know that my productivity is not lessened because I choose to pause for a moment. While I am resting, please handle those things around me so that nothing lacks. Thank you for restoring me during my rest. In Jesus name, Amen.
Now in these moments, be honest with and compassionate towards yourself...
Step 1: Do nothing... what does that look like for you? What will you lay down, cancel or say no to in order to ‘do nothing?'
Step 2: Be still... Where and how can you take a few moments to be still?
Step 3: Take a breath… Take a minute now to inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
If you would like to know more about any of the things discussed in this article or how Speaking of Joye might invest in you or your business, hit this link for your free 15 minute consultation or contact
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Find time to rest,