Five Resolutions for College Graduates
As a new year dawns, what advice would you give new college graduates eager to make their mark in the world? Here are five of life’s greatest lessons:
1. Appreciate difference and work for justice for all. We share a common humanity that transcends race, religion, gender, country of origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic status — and any other label we attach to people who are different than ourselves. With humility, empathy, and openness, respect the dignity of each person because we are all made in God’s likeness.
2. Cultivate deep connections with others. Relationships of trust and love and integrity matter deeply — in our homes, workplaces, and communities. We can accomplish far more together than we ever could alone, no matter how talented we are as individuals.
3. Dedicate yourself to building community. Indeed, be champions of community. Our world needs individuals who can unite diverse people around a common mission. You are called to be a community builder.
4. Believe in yourself. This is your story, so don’t be afraid to change the storyline. Follow your passion, always. Accept failure, which is an inevitable part of life, and learn the transformative power of resiliency. How you respond to adversity ultimately will define your character. …Be persistent.
5. Be a partner for the common good. With so many seemingly intractable problems facing society — from racism and religious intolerance to poverty and violence — it would be easy to turn away from the challenges of our times. But we are all in this world together and are part of a community larger than ourselves. Use your education and faith to make the world a more just place for all. Not some. Not just those like you in some way. But all.
These were adapted from my winter commencement remarks. For the full speech, click here.