Five recent thought-provoking posts
Uruk Project Management
We enable organizations to elevate performance, optimize their capital deployment, and lead their projects to success!
Many of these posts are related to the theme of transforming project management. Most of them are extracted from books by Mounir Ajam (work in progress).
The Books
We will share them in a separate article.
The Five Posts
Post 1
The most recent post is about tailored and tailored methods. Tailoring is a critical concept in project management since it should be a given that competent project management has always been adaptive.
Post 2
The importance of building the project management function as a core organizational function that would enable organizations to use project management as a competitive advantage. The PM Function includes a PM Division (organizational unit ~ vertical).
Post 3
Related to the previous post, we had another post on the role of the CPO.
Here is the link:
Then, Trevor K. Nelson followed up with a related post. Here is the link:
Post 4
Now that the PMBOK?? Guide is bringing back the process groups, a reminder post about the confusion between process group and project phases.
Here is the link:
Post 5
This post was the most active, with thousands of impressions, comments, and reposts. It is about using stage gates and an effective project life cycle.
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