Five reasons to replace your car radio with audiobooks *today* & two great books to begin with.
**dedicated for those who somehow still listen to radio ads on their way to work**
five reasons to get started today:
1) It's a medium that sanctifies the depth - when was the last time you delved into one subject only? Our attention is under constant attack of stimuli in the New World. Our general knowledge is enriched at all times on the cost of our ability to specialize in issues that, contrary to general knowledge, directly affects our lives and career. Product manager? Coacher? Talent Acquisition Specialist? Read the last three books written about your industry and you'll probably know more than 85% of your colleagues about your industry's trends, challenges, and approaches to address them. "A more competitive career world?" Perhaps, but historically speaking, it has never been easier and more accessible to lead the competition. Here's a relative-professional-advantage that you can develop in less than a week.
2) Lectures will teach you the results of others' ways of thinking; Audiobooks will teach you how to think and achieve results for yourself. We live in a world in which anyone who is exceptionally successful is writing a book. Audiobooks will expose you to the depth of that person's thinking, which serves him/her on the way to success, or, to sum it up: he's Mindset. In the new world, adaptive skills are the key to success.
3) It's the least money you will ever pay for as much valuable information you'll ever get. Each book costs a few dollars. Audible (app) gives two credits (every credit = book) every month for free. You can send a gift book to a friend with a topic that you know interests them.
Is this friendship? I think soooo
4) They will change the way you look at "wasted" time - You listen to audiobooks while doing other things. Stuck in the traffic for two hours? Congratulations! You've completed a book on effective time management. Cleaning your apartment? You've listened to another Gary Vee chapter on how to choose a social platform to market your business.
For me, it made me drive slower with more patience - every red light is a possible insight that feeds my goals. Never stop learning, like, literally.
5) It's fun.
Let's start with two books that you can listen to this week. I'm sure they can provide you a great value:
* AskGaryVee - One entrepreneur's take on leadership, social media & self-awareness
Gary who?
- The oldest son in a family of immigrants from Belarus who turned his father's wine shop into an $ 80 million business empire using only social media platforms, mainly YouTube.
- Co-founder & owner of 600 employees digital advertising company: Vaynermedia.
- The craziest content maker I know today. You will find him on any possible platform, all the time.
His book is the best book I've heard by far because of the amount of value he distributes.
The format is simple: questions from entrepreneurs and readers about every possible topic: entrepreneurship, social media strategy, time management, motivation engines, leadership, parenting etc. Gary answers are armed with practicality and zero cliches.
You should listen to it if you are:
- Business owners, community managers, and entrepreneurs who want to build digital strategies and understand how to communicate with customers in a language that fits the platform.
- Anyone interested in trends in the social and advertising world
- Anyone interested in self-awareness and constant development. Gary will mess with who and what you are and challenge perceptions that you thought were serving you.
- If you have a pulse.
f you breathe and live social networks:
Jab, Jab, Jab. Right Hook - Is definitely your next book.
The power of habit - Charles Duhigg
This book is the outcome of dozens of studies on human behavior.
Author's Mindset:
- Willpower is a consumable and limited resource, it cannot be relied upon alone to serve us in performing challenging tasks.
- Our behavior is built primarily on habits.
- Although it's difficult to fight a habit; it's easy to replace it with a new habit. How? That's precisely what Charles Duhigg beautifully explains in his book.
This book has changed my perception regarding bad habits I'm fighting for years and gave me a way to replace them with better ones. Since listening to this audiobook three months ago, I've managed to create Habits of order and cleanliness In the sense of cleaning the kitchen panels just for fun. It's not magic, it's hard but focused work, reverse-engineering of yourself that delivers results.
Link to Audioble app for Android
Read any Audiobooks that you've loved and would recommend? Share in the comments!
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