Five Reasons to Make Manufacturers Thankful this Thanksgiving!

Five Reasons to Make Manufacturers Thankful this Thanksgiving!

Everyone knows the holiday season is when retail companies make a majority of their annual profits. However, that high demand and limited supply also mean manufacturers need to be thankful for a few things this Thanksgiving.

Here are five reasons to make manufacturers thankful?this Thanksgiving!

Diverse Product Line

The holidays are a great time for retailers to focus on a few select items and turn them into big hits. This pressure forces manufacturers to make short-term decisions against their long-term goals. Seasonal pressure can lead manufacturers to change the product mix they offer and the materials they use to make those items to maximize sales quickly.

With a diverse product line, however, manufacturers can be thankful they're prepared to produce a wide range of items — including those seasonal hits — year-round. By having a diverse product line, manufacturers can meet the needs of retailers that need a reliable source of items year-round and those that need items only during the holidays.

Reliable Suppliers

During the holidays, it's not just the retailers feeling the pressure. Manufacturers are under immense pressure to deliver parts on time. In fact, over 80% of businesses report that supply chain issues are the biggest reason for failed customer orders during the holiday season.

With a reliable supplier base, manufacturers can be thankful for the ability to rely on parts delivered on time without fail, eliminating the need for overtime, additional workers, and other costly strategies to ensure a thriving supply chain.

Knowing that parts arrive on time, every time, also allows manufacturers to plan their production schedules confidently.

Flexible Employees

Retailers looking to increase their holiday sales often compete with their suppliers for manufacturing capacity. Large retailers, such as Amazon and Walmart, can outsource portions of their product supply chain, reducing the amount of work that manufacturers can do and raising manufacturing costs.

The good news is manufacturers with a highly skilled and flexible workforce can be thankful that they're not caught in a bidding war with retailers for limited production capacity. Instead, they can focus on the needs of their customers who, when they need more products, rely on manufacturers for more capacity without increasing the cost.

Robust Inventory

When retailers are under pressure to sell certain items, they often turn to manufacturers to make up the difference—good for manufacturers, but only if they have the inventory that retailers need.

However, inventory is expensive, and many manufacturers have year-end financial goals that don't leave them with enough money on hand to meet retailer needs. Luckily, manufacturers with a robust inventory can be thankful for having a safety net to meet retailer requests, allowing manufacturers to meet immediate customer needs without going into debt.

It also eliminates the need to rush through the year-end production schedule and make short-term decisions to meet the demand. Instead, manufacturers can take the time to make the best decisions, knowing they have the goods they need to back up those decisions.

High Employee Morale

Retailers are often desperate to hire seasonal workers during the holidays, but they don't always get the best results.

With a strong company culture, and a company mission expanding beyond profits, manufacturers can be thankful that they have an engaged workforce they don't have to pay a premium to hire. Manufacturers often find the employees they need year-round, meaning they hire the best workers for the job without paying extra for seasonal workers.

Happy Customers and Employees

Companies meeting the needs of retailers and consumers are thankful for the ability to sustain profitable long-term relationships. By controlling their production and meeting their customers' needs, manufacturers can also meet the needs of their employees.

Employees are happy to work at companies that make a lasting impact and positively affect the world. Happy employees generate great ideas and solve problems effectively, creating products that retailers and customers love.

That's definitely something manufacturers are thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Have I missed any? Let me know.


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