Five Points to Help you Decide. Do I need a new Copier/MFP?
Aline Kassabian Yeterian
Xerox Document Technology Partner serving the local SMB community with office technology needs
Have you realized that your office copy/multifunction machine is one of the most important parts of office operations? This becomes reality when the copier stops functioning, and at the most critical times at that – with deadlines approaching, high volume projects due, daily office tasks, etc. More so these days, since the traditional copy machine is no longer just a copy machine. The staff uses the multifunction device to print, scan, e-mail, share, print on the fly via mobile print, organize, categorize and much more.
As the copier gets older and racks up more and more prints on it, it may start giving you more problems, more errors, and ultimately more downtime for your staff and productivity. So when is the best time to think of replacing the device? You need to identity the problems the copier is having and ask the employees for some feedback.
1) Are the problems a result of long term wear and tear? Sometimes when the device has amassed a substantial number of prints, the problems might have chain reactions and result in other unforeseen issues.
2) Are replacement parts harder to find? Even if there is a service contract in place, out of date devices that are considered End of Life from the manufacturer will experience a lack of readily available parts.
3) Ask your employees to reassess and figure out if the current device is up to date with their needs. Are they in need of a feature the current device is missing? A feature that was not added earlier might now be crucial to productivity – for example a fax board, collating/stapling features, additional trays. Today’s smart technology has migrated to the office with smart devices capable of applications to help streamline your day to day operations.
4) Is your staff currently putting up with mediocre results? Such as slow prints, low print resolution, limited scan functions, broken or patched up trays, worn out user screens.
5) Analyze your business status. Do you anticipate growth? Is your staff growing? Do you foresee an increase in your clients?
Don’t hesitate to explore and ask questions. If the need to replace is there, the options are many and some more affordable than you might think. A peace of mind goes a long way when operating a busy office. An upgrade in office technology might do the trick.