Five People I Admire
It may seem funny but this question may beat me up. I usually blog and set clear limits to the effort and work that I put into it, but now this is like ‘free roaming’. In this blog there is no clear strategy or any ‘goal’ that I want to achieve other than letting my loyal subscribers into my world a bit more. Five people that I admire are my brother, my two sisters, my mom and dad. I admire all those individuals to the moon and back and I’d be literally nothing without the collective efforts of those five.
We are a small family and this ‘small’ family means the world to me. For example if it wasn’t for my brother I would literally not ever have a ‘musical’ background (to this day, even though I do not produce music I am still ‘famous’ for). My brother literally ‘gave’ me my first microphone and introduction to music recording and production. My brother should be responsible for whatever ‘success’ I may have because if he didn’t introduce me to music there is no way I would have ever fell in love with the English subject the way I did.
Switching now to my two sisters who taught me love, sacrifice and patience. To be able to see the world from a female’s perspective and understand their ‘experience’ (which I think to this day helps me to be a better husband). Not only that but my wonderful sisters guided me throughout my childhood, teenage years and even to this day by just having a watchful eye and encouraging me to be an authentic person. My mom and dad choreographed the whole show, not only for me, but for three other people… and there was not ever a dull moment. Thank you for reading.