Five Mistakes Ineffective Sales Presentations Make
Ted Janusz, MBA, CSP, CVP
International interactive keynote speaker, workshop leader, artificial intelligence (AI) session facilitator and Certified Speaking Professional
As a master of ceremonies for CEO summits, I had the opportunity to view dozens of sales presentations delivered by vendors to a gathering of these C-level executives. Vendors paid tens of thousands of dollars each to get in front of this elite group of potential clientele.
Here are five key mistakes the ineffective presenters made (and what they could easily do to correct them):
Mistake #1: Start the presentation talking about the company
The amateurs begin by delivering information like:
· When the company was founded
· Where it is located
· What products are services are offered
· What awards they have won and certifications they have earned
· How many customers they have
Yes, this seems like a logical place to start, as a result most sales presentations do.
But why doesn’t this work? Because the presenter has not first given the prospect a reason to even care! Although the potential customer may be smiling or nodding, he or she is probably thinking, “Yet another sales presentation! When will this dog and pony show be over?”
Instead . . .
Have a real-life customer start your presentation. The prospect is more likely to bond with someone who seems a whole lot more like themselves rather than listen to someone whom they perceive to be yet another salesperson.
Mistake #2: Talk about all of the products and services that you offer.
In other words, you are expecting the customer to diagnose their problems and pick their own solution. Certainly something among the cornucopia of offerings you are describing should fit their bill! Just choose one.
Instead . . .
If you can’t have an actual customer begin your presentation, deliver a case study on their behalf. Say something like, “You know, company X came to us because they had a challenge, something that may also likely be facing you. When we started talking with them here is what we found . . .”
Mistake #3: Death by PowerPoint
Many presenters use PowerPoint simply as a substitute for note cards. They have slide after slide flash up on the screen with bullet points that remind them what to say next.
This would be similar to going to a movie, and rather than seeing action on the screen to engage us, the producer has simply elected to put the actors’ scripts up on the screen.
Instead . . .
Take a lesson from Hollywood. After all, Americans spend billions of dollars to go to the movies each year. Yet no one has ever spent even a dime to see a PowerPoint presentation.
Use PowerPoint to provide images that reinforce your use of stories. Tell a story about your customer. Make the customer (not yourself or your company) the hero of that story. Your potential customer will identify with the customer and see how, if they choose you, they too can become the hero in their own story.
Mistake #4: Educate the potential customer about your products and services.
Instead . . .
Discuss industry trends. Show them that you are knowledgeable about the marketplace. Educate them on how to conduct a comparison between your offerings and those of your competitors without bad-mouthing the competition.
Mistake #5: Tell the prospect why you have the best products and services.
Marketing guru Dan Kennedy says that the number one marketing mistake he sees his customers make is a lack of collecting and using testimonials.
Of course, the prospect expects you to say you’re great. But who else says so? Is it someone they know or trust? Is it someone whose opinion the prospect values? That will always be worth more than your own marketing puffery.
Instead . . .
Show the prospect what your products or services did for the customer in your case study. If possible, quantify those results. Then have the customer tell in their own words what their relationship with you did for them. Discuss how their interactions with you solved their problems.
Why avoid these five critical presentation mistakes?
You will find that rather than your prospect drifting off during your delivery, because you are actually talking about them, they will become more engaged with you. Once they become engaged, your presentation will become more of a conversation and less of a monologue, putting you more at ease. But more importantly, once the prospect finds that you have put the focus is on them and their needs, and not on yourself, you will more likely to get the sale!