Five Lessons about Personality
Today we decided to share 5 lessons on the topic of Personality. The levels in this selection range from Intermediate to Advanced, but don't forget, that all lessons on are easily customisable — simply save the lesson to your drafts and you can tailor it to your student's level and needs.
by Alexandra Gruzina
You will learn and practice vocabulary related to personality traits and hobbies, as well as express preferences and dislikes in English through various exercises and discussions.
by Inara Zhereshtieva
A comprehensive lesson about practising vocabulary related to appearance and personality, and improving speaking, listening, and reading skills through various exercises and discussions. It could be adapted to Pre-Intermediate or even Upper-Intermediate levels.
by Rina Kanakhina
Identify and describe the four main personality types (Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic) and use appropriate vocabulary to discuss personality traits.
by Ruslana Talko
This lesson is about learning and identifying four temperament types, using vocabulary to discuss personality traits, and exploring strengths and weaknesses.
by Natalya Fomina
This is a short lesson about describing personality traits and using qualifiers to show the degree of those traits, followed by practicing through storytelling and vocabulary exercises. It could be used for self-study or homework as a follow-up to the previous two lessons.
You can use Matching Gaps instead of Matching for longer lists
Matching is a great tool for lists up to 10 pairs of words / sentences. But if you have more, it will be visually hard for your students to match everything. Matching Gaps serve a very similar purpose, but will take up much less space.
Now the exercise fits the screen and the students will not have to scroll up or down to see all the options!
That's all for now!
Stay amazing ??