Five Key Strategies to Succeed in Your Next Job Interview
Photo by Gustavo Fring

Five Key Strategies to Succeed in Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews can be stressful

Especially if it's your first time.

Being invited for an interview can come with some excitement and anxiety. This anxiety can sometimes lead to stress.

It also depends on how long you have been job hunting, since you last interviewed and your appetite for interviewing.

I have had to go through interviews, and they were not fun.

Interviews are a great way to showcase your skills and let the panel know you are the best candidate. But how exactly do you do that?

Well, you have got to prepare.

The only way to do well at an interview is by preparing for it. And that comes with knowing a few things before the interview to help calm your nerves and position you for success.

Let's review some elements to help you prepare for your next job interview.

#1. Who Are The Interview Panel Members?

Whenever I get invited for an interview, I like to know the panel members.

Sometimes, I get invitations for interviews without the panel details. I usually ask the hiring manager for this information to prepare for the interview.

Knowing the interview panel will:

  • Help you see who is coming to interview you
  • Help you research the panel to understand the interests you have in common??
  • Help you research to know their background and potential questions you might get asked

So, never underestimate the power of knowing your panel. Request these details if they have not supplied it.

Most hiring managers are usually more than happy to share this information.

#2. What Would My Potential Competitors For This Role Be Like?

Job interviews are like a game of chess.

The panel is out to look for the best candidate.

On the other hand, as the candidate, you are out to edge out other candidates in the interview, including your friends and those you might know.

That's the reality of interviewing. You might be interviewing alongside your friends and co-workers. It's normal. But you should use this information to prepare better for the interview,

Knowing your potential competitors should help you prepare better for the interview.


You should mirror yourself as the best candidate in a job interview and then ask yourself how to outperform yourself.

This strategy is an excellent way to test yourself since you don't know your competitors (yet). Assume you are your competition and try to prepare as much as possible to beat yourself.

#3. What Skills Would My Potential Competitors Have

When you don't have the skills your potential competitors have, you will likely prepare even more to your advantage.

A good strategy is to enlist your skills alongside those of the best people you know working in the same jobs.

Now, set this as a benchmark for yourself. And ask yourself:

If you were to edge out these candidates by adding one extra skill relevant to the employer, what might that be?

This strategy will help you surpass the minimum requirement to perform well at the interview.

Remember, meeting the meeting requirements no longer cuts the bar. You must outperform other candidates to stand out.

#4. How Can I Be Relatable Or Likeable By The Panel Members?

Panel likes candidates they like and are like them.

We are all humans, so we prefer associating ourselves with those like us. Knowing this should give you an advantage or edge over the others.


  • Know the panel and find out their background and interest
  • Use some of this information when answering questions at the interview

#5. What Problems Might The Team Be Facing, And Why Are They Recruiting For The Role?

When preparing for a role, it's always helpful to determine the challenges the team might face now and why they are recruiting for the role.

In most cases, this information is available during the pre-interview. However, it might be challenging to gather it when invited for an interview.

You can have a competitive edge over the other applicants when you know the team's challenges.

This information will help you:

  • Prepare better for the interview
  • Understand the pain points of the panel or the team
  • Help you sell the right solutions to the panel
  • Help you speak about your ability to excel in the role

Closing Thoughts

You have finally gotten an interview; now is the time to prepare for it.

Know as much as possible about the role, the panel and the competition to help you stand out.

The more prepared you are, the more confident you are and the less nervous you feel about an interview.

I wish you the best in your next job interview.

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