Five Immutable Principles of Project Success no Matter the Domain, Context, or Processes (Part 5)

Five Immutable Principles of Project Success no Matter the Domain, Context, or Processes (Part 5)

Over the next 5 days, here is a collection of materials I've developed and applied over my years as a program performance management consultant.

Here's Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4

Even experienced project managers are not immune to common reasons for project failure. Poor time and budget performance, failure to deal with complexity, and uncontrolled changes in scope can catch any project manager off guard. This collection of materials can help improve your project’s success rate.

Here's a collection of conference presentations, white papers, book chapters, and journal articles on topics developed over 4 decades of managing projects and programs in a variety of domains, where arriving on or before the needed time, at or below the needed cost, with the needed Capabilities to accomplish a mission or fulfill a strategy is necessary for the success of the project.

The basis of success for all project success, no matter the domain, project management process (Agile or Traditional), project management tools, and technology, starts by answering the questions posed by the Five Immutable Principles, first published in Performance-Based Project Management , American Management Association, February 2014.

  1. What does Done look like in units of measure meaning full to the decision-makers, starting with Measures of Effectiveness (MOE), Measures of Performance (MOP), Technical Performance Measures (TPM), and Key Performance Parameters (KPP)?
  2. What is the Plan to reach Done, with outcomes fulfilling these measures on the needed date, for the needed cost, to deliver the needed Capabilities to accomplish a mission or fulfill a strategy?
  3. What Resources - staff, facilities, funding, and regulatory compliance will be needed to reach Done as needed?
  4. What are the Impediments to reaching Done at the needed time, for the needed cost with the needed Capabilities?
  5. How will Progress to Plan be measured in units of measure meaningful to the decision-makers? The passage of time, consumption of money, production of Stories, and Story points are not measures of progress to Plan. Delivery of Capabilities to accomplish the mission are.

Risk Management (RM)

Risk Management is essential for the success of any significant project. All project risk comes from uncertainty. Project uncertainty comes in two forms: Epistemic uncertainty which is the lack of knowledge, Epistemology is the study of knowledge. This uncertainty can be handled by buying knowledge to reduce the risk. And Aleatory uncertainty, which is a random process. On projects, Aleatory uncertainty is handled by the Cost, Schedule, and Technical Performance margin.

Integrated Master Plan / Integrated Master Schedule (IMP/IMS)

Building, deploying, and executing an IMP / IMS requires change in the conventional paradigm of project planning and controls and the management processes. This change starts by measuring progress as the completion of Accomplishment Criteria (AC) and the fulfillment of Significant Accomplishments (SA). This progress is described through the assessment of physical percent complete rather than measuring progress through the passage of time and consumption of resources.

Earned Value Management World Presentations

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress in an objective manner. EVM has the ability to combine measurements of scope, schedule, and cost in a single integrated system. It’s notable for its ability to provide accurate forecasts of project performance problems. - ACQNotes, Program Management Tool for Aerospace

EVM World 2009

EVM World College of Performance Management 2010 - Naples, Florida

EVM World 2011

IPM Workshop 2015

EVM World 2014 - Alexandria, VA

EVM World 2013

EVM World 2015 - New Orleans, LA

EVM World 2016 - Naples, Florida

EVM World 2017 - New Orleans, LA

EVM World 2019 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Other Earned Value Management Resources

Earned Value Management and Agile

Technical Performance Management (TPM)

Mihail S.

Project Management Consultant, Trainer and Standards Reviewer, frm CS/IT Top Principal Research Scientist 1-st Rank, Books Author. Make your knowledge a gift and you will be rewarded with recognition and respect.

4 个月

I have saved all the five parts. If one might learn at least 1% of all hyperlinked posts and presentations mentioned in these five articles he should be enough happy. Thank you Glen Alleman for sharing this valuable resource.

Edmund Carlevale

Climate Action, Climate Justice

4 个月

What an extraordinary archive and body of work. Bookmarked! Tremendous thanks for sharing and kudos for the work!


