Five, four, three, two, one ... GO
Lindsey Burden
Business Coach | Mentor | Speaker | Podcast Host ?? One-To-One Coaching For Ambitious Business Owners Who Want To Unlock Success On Their Terms And Experience Financial And Time Freedom. ?? [email protected]
Last week I was introduced to The Five Second Rule and Mel Robbins. Mel says The 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.
I'm not going to repeat what I've learnt and read - yet I felt compelled to share.
It's a bit like setting the alarm early so you can meditate, read or simply give yourself space to breathe before the house erupts.
Except you hit snooze, you hit snooze again and possibly again until you're left with no option but to get up. With no time to meditate, go for a run or enjoy a coffee in the quiet of the early morning.
It's interesting that Robbins and The 5 second rule crossed my path when it did, as I've been reworking the mindset element of the Business Success Programme. Over the past two years I've been learning about mindset and more importantly developing my own. Both in a complete way (as in all I do) and to create the right mindset for the day ahead and the activity that needs my focus.
I've been journalling for about a year now, it's the first thing I do every morning and can't recommend it highly enough. It stills my busy mind, provides opportunity for gratitude and to check in with myself and the business. It's been invaluable.
For many years I'd been meaning to give journalling a go but 'didn't have time'. Of course I didn't because I didn't make the time. Yet Once I started the habit I noticed a day following that ten minutes writing was more focused and productive, compared to a day when I skipped journalling.
As I reflect back on my journey since setting up the business I can see that I didn't make time for the important, I thrived on being busy. Sadly it was often for the sake of being busy, I was not focusing energy and this resulted in me working many more hours than was necessary.
Thankfully I've realised that I don't have to be superwoman and in that constant mode of movement and busyness. Resulting in increased daily productivity, better decision making and loving what I do every day.
For me mindset for a successful business starts with why - why you do what you do. And most importantly the positive impact this has on your 'life'.
I think of Elon Musk working his 80 - 90 hour weeks and wonder how he spends the very small amount of free time he has out of the business (sleeping I imagine). The impact on his health if not know but in the future doesn't bare thinking about and I wonder if he has found true happiness in what he does.
We're all different and I'm not judging Musk here BUT this is not a dress rehearsal. If with the right mindset you could achieve your goals by working less meaning you could spend more time with your family, write that book you've been talking about or double the amount of holidays you enjoy - isn't that a better way?