Five Easy Theses: Commonsense Solutions to America's Greatest Economic Challenges

?Ideas that have the potential to redirect the negative spirit of elected politicians.

The title 5 Easy Theses is an amusing play on the movie from a generation ago, and it hits the mark. Author James Stone rose above the trend in the 2016 election cycle of bullying, vulgarity and vanity by a number of candidates seem to have become the norm.

We are now in 2024 and still facing many of the same issues in this election. Stone discusses what may be considered a non-partisan analysis of issues that are in the minds of most people these days

These include :

1. Fiscal Balance (remember when we actually saved rather than add more debt?) 2. Inequality (This has been around since the Revolution, but still needs to be discussed)

3. Education (How much debt do college graduates have these days?)

4. Health Care (Why is the richest country in the world ignoring its citizens?)

5. Financial Sector Reform (In case we have forgotten the experiences of 2008-2009, watch the movie BIG SHORT for a good distasteful reminder)

While these are hardly new topics or issues, they do not seem to be getting much attention in a world full of negativity and tear downs.

From my reading, Stone gained his perspectives from years of public service, philanthropy and business ventures. His anecdotes and stories are interesting and to the point. It is approaches and messages like these that have the potential to redirect the negative spirit of elected politicians.

The question remains – who will actually embrace them?

Highly recommended!

John J Hogan

3.19.24 ?


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