Five (5) Dead New York Federal Judges

Five (5) Dead New York Federal Judges

What is it that five (5) recently dead New York federal judges, William H. Pauley, III, Robert A. Katzmann, Peter W. Hall, Robert W. Sweet, Leonard B. Sand, dead convicted felon pedophile Jeffrey A. Epstein, dead Solomon Obstfeld, Boss of LH Financial, dead convicted felon Ponzi scammer Bernard Madoff, the Austrian purported bank BAWAG, disgraced NYC financier Leon Black, convicted felon sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, defunct and bankrupt New York broker Refco, Inc., New York law firms Dechert, LLP and Simpson, Thacher, & Bartlett, LLP; former and current New York federal prosecutors Audrey Strauss, Michael J. Garcia, Preet Bharara, David N. Kelley, Andrew J. Levander, Alexander H. Southwell, Steven D. Feldman, Steve R. Peikin, Nicholas S. Goldin, Maria E. Douvas, Sarah E. Paul, Katherine Polk-Failla, convicted felon Edward M. Grushko, Esq., Kenneth A. Zitter, Esq., Ari Rabinowitz, New York federal judge “error-proneEdgardo Ramos, and Atlanta, GA federal judges Gerald B. Tjoflat and Thomas W. Thrash, Jr., all have in common? They all are directly or indirectly associated or affiliated with international extortion and money laundering criminal enterprise unregistered broker-dealer Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt). How is this possible? And what are the implications of the nefarious, covert, and incestuous relationships?



IRNewswires Special Public Corruption Investigation

Alan Reitman, JD, Ph.D., summa cum laude, Public Corruption Investigative Reporter

Sebastian Kolm, JD, Ph.D., summa cum laude, Public Corruption Legal Analyst

Meredith Kammler, LLB, LLM, Ph.D., summa cum laude, Public Corruption Analyst

August 8, 2021

London, UK


IRNewswires’ lawyers and investigative reporters recently received an anonymous tip and information that concerned the above individuals. IRN was informed that each of the persons named above had a direct or indirect relationship with the international Hobbs Act extortion and money laundering criminal enterprise Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt) and its master the Austrian purported bank, BAWAG.

What is most concerning about the persons of interest is that so many are dead (deceased) and so many are former or current New York federal judges and prosecutors. Including “error-prone” New York federal judge Edgardo Ramos who is currently sitting as a federal judge in New York overseeing three cases that directly involve Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt). The cases are United States v. Ware, 04cr1224 and 05cr1115 (SDNY), and SEC v. Honig, 18cv08175 (SDNY) (ER), (the “Ramos Alpha Cases”).

IRN has learned that when former federal judge William H. Pauley, III was announced dead on July 6, 2021, he at that time was embroiled in a very bitter and contentious litigation that involved Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), and Atlanta, GA lawyer Ulysses T. Ware’s cases 04cr1224 and 05cr1115. According to court records seen by IRN’s lawyers, Judge Pauley had directly obstructed any investigation into Alpha Capital’s status as an unregistered broker-dealer. Currently, “error-prone” federal judge Edgardo Ramos has joined what appears to be a conspiracy to obstruct any investigation into Alpha’s official status and what IRN’s lawyers characterized as “unprecedented judicial misconduct and corruption” is also attempting, risibly, to obstruct an investigation into Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt).

However, Mr. Ware recently filed Doc. 306[1], a certified business record obtained from FINRA that confirmed that Alpha Capital, AG and the plaintiffs in Alpha Capital, AG, et al. v. IVG Corp., a/k/a GPMT, et al., No. 02cv2219 (SDNY) (LBS) had never lawfully registered as broker-dealers, as required by U.S. federal law, despite admitting to buying and selling billions of dollars of unregistered securities into the United States public securities markets and defrauding the American public investors of billions of dollars. Who and what are the beneficiaries and recipients of the billions of dollars of illegal and ill-gotten profits and proceeds Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), BAWAG, defunct broker Refco, Inc., LH Financial Services and others have generated?

Judge Ramos in what appears to be an egregious case to cover up the fact that it has been certified by FINRA on May 17, 2021, and filed into the court’s records on July 29, 2021, Doc. 306, on August 5, 2021, Doc. 307, criminally attempted to muzzle and deny Mr. Ware’s fundamental constitutional right of access to the New York federal courts concerning his pending cases, 04cr1224 and 05cr1115. What is so damaging to Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), its handlers and sycophants that Judge Ramos was willing to leap head-first into the abyss, ?commit professional suicide and attempt to cover up and conceal from the public? Who and what influenced and motivated judge Ramos to enter such criminal[2], egregious and unconstitutional order, Doc. 306, that is null and void ab initio on its face?

???????????IRN’s investigators have interviewed individuals that suggested for Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt) and LH Financial Services, confirmed unregistered broker-dealers, to have operated in New York, and elsewhere, for more than 20 years and yet to have never been criminally charged with conspiracy, extortion and money laundering by the United States Attorney’s Office (SDNY), (the “USAO”), suggested that the USAO is a willing and material participant in Alpha Capital and others international Hobbs Act extortion and money laundering RICO continuing criminal enterprise. Else how could Alpha Capital, LH Financial Services, and Jewish financiers Solomon Obstfeld and Ari Rabinowitz evade civil or criminal prosecution and extort and launder the billions of dollars in profits and proceeds of so many publicly traded companies under the nose of the SEC and the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan?

An impossibility unless someone very high up in executive leadership at the USAO and the SEC with the discretion to prosecute or not prosecute had been paid off, bribed, or paid enormous kickbacks to not prosecute. Who would that person have been or is currently? The most likely candidates are former U.S. Attorney (SDNY) David N. Kelley and his wife AUSA Nicole LaBarbera, the reported “Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division.”

How strange is this? David N. Kelley, the former U.S. Attorney (SDNY), and his wife, who did not file any criminal charges against Alpha Capital, LH Financial Services, or Ari Rabinowitz while they were in office, is presently a partner at New York law firm, Dechert, LLP, the law firm that just happened to represent, guess who? You guessed right. ?Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt) in the SEC v. Honig lawsuit. Kelley’s law partner Andrew J. Levander[3] represented Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), in the ongoing SEC litigation before “error-prone” federal judge Edgardo Ramos, SEC v. Honig, 18cv08175 (SDNY) (Ramos, J.). The same incompetent, biased, and having an actual conflict of interest, New York federal judge that is currently obstructing Mr. Ware’s filings in 04cr1224 and 05cr1115 that involve, guess who? You guessed right again. Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt).


???????????How did “error-prone” federal judge Edgardo Ramos get assigned, “randomly” all cases (04cr1224[4], 05cr1115[5], and 18cv08175[6]) that involved Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt)’s interests that are ongoing in the New York federal courts?

1.???How and who orchestrated and arranged for Judge Ramos to be assigned, randomly, Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt)’s matters in the New York federal courts?

2.???Why was Judge Ramos chosen for this assignment by the puppet masters that control who is and is not criminally prosecuted in the New York federal courts?

3.???What has Judge Ramos been promised and provided by his puppet masters for criminally obstructing Mr. Ware’s currently pending cases in the New York federal courts that directly implicate Alpha Capital, AG, and others in an international Hobbs Act extortion and money laundering RICO criminal enterprise?


IRN’s lawyers and investigators will continue to investigate the persons involved in the ongoing criminal Hobbs Act international extortion and money laundering RICO racketeering conspiracy run from the New York federal courts and the federal prosecutor’s office.

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[1] IRN’s lawyers have obtained a copy of Mr. Ware’s recent filing, Doc. 306, filed in 05cr1115 and 04cr1224 (SDNY) on July 29, 2021. The certified business records from FINRA does in fact certify that Alpha Capital, AG, Stonestreet, L.P., Markham Holdings, Ltd., Amro International, S.A., and LH Financial Services never lawfully registered with FINRA as required by United States federal law, Title 15 Section 78(o)(a)(1), and therefore as a matter of law are unregistered broker-dealers that lacked all Article III and 28 USC 1332(a) diversity standing to have filed the 02cv2219 (SDNY) lawsuit in 2002.

[2] See 18 USC 2, 204, 241, 242, 371, 1346, 1503, 1956-57, and 1962 (a-d).

[3] Persons interviewed off the record for this reporting referred to Andrew J. Levander, the managing partner at New York law firm Dechert, LLP as “a fixer … he does not really practice law … he arrives on the scene to clean up the damage … and fixes the outcome … he fixed the outcome of the internal investigation … if you can call it that … regarding dead convicted pedophile Jeffrey A. Epstein and disgraced New York financier Leon Black ….” (paraphrased).

[4] Court records reviewed by IRN’s lawyers showed that United States v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY) (RWS) had been assigned to recently dead federal judge Robert W. Sweet, a former partner at the same New York law firm where Judge Ramos was also employed, Simpson, Thacher, & Bartlett, LLP; the same New York law firm that the lead prosecutor, Nicholas S. Goldin, in 04cr1224, is employed as a partner; and the same law firm that many of deceased Judge Sweet’s law clerks are currently employed. “Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.” (Hamlet).

[5] Court records reviewed by IRN’s lawyers showed that United States v. Ware, 04cr1115 (SDNY) (WHP) was transferred, reassigned, allegedly, randomly, on July 12, 2021, after the July 6, 2021, announced death of former federal judge William H. Pauley, III.

[6] Court records reviewed by IRN’s lawyers showed that SEC v. Honig, 18cv08175 (SDNY) (Ramos, J.), is currently pending before, guess who? “Error-prone” Judge Edgardo Ramos. A case that directly involved Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt) as a defendant as charged by the SEC with securities fraud and stock manipulation. Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt) is represented by former U.S. Attorney (SDNY) David N. Kelley’s current law firm, Dechert, LLP’s partner “fixer” former federal prosecutor (SDNY) Andrew J. Levander. “Something is [very] rotten in the State of Denmark.” (Hamlet).

Ulysses Thomas Ware

Managing Director| International Business Management Executive| Digital Asset Technology Entrepreneur and Investor|

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