Fitting of spectral lines: Gaussian versus Lorentzian versus Voigt

Fitting of spectral lines: Gaussian versus Lorentzian versus Voigt


During data analysis in spectroscopy it is extremely important to use a proper model. In this article we compare different models of fitting of a Raman line profile: Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt on an example of a 1085cm-1 line of calcite.


The spectrum of a reference calcite sample was measured with Lightnovo ApS miniRaman 785nm Power spectrometer. The following settings were used: power 125mW, exposure time 250ms, 10 repetitions. Middle distance probe (15mm) was used for the measurements.

miniRaman 785nm Power spectrometer
Raman spectrum of calcite
1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite

Curve fitting

We performed the fitting of the 1085cm-1 calcite line with Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Voigt functions. The fit was performed in Python using curve_fit function from scipy.optimize package.

Gaussian fit

Gaussian function is defined according to the following equation:

A0 + A * np.exp(-(x - x0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))        
Gaussian fit of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite

The results of the Gaussian fit were as follows:

A0 = 6.98112860e-01
A = 3.22987258e+00
x0 = 1.08749499e+03
sigma = 3.43820373e+00        

FWHM of the line can be calculated using the following formula:

f_Gaussian = 2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))*sigma        

The result obtained is:

f_Gaussian = 8.09635106783667        

Lorentzian fit

Lorentzian function is defined according to the following equation:

A0 + A * gamma**2 / ( gamma**2 + ( x - x0 )**2)        
Lorentzian fit of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite

The results of the Lorentzian fit were as follows:

A0 = 5.59810395e-01
A = 3.64307860e+00
x0 = 1.08757145e+03
gamma = 3.50122498e+00        

FWHM of the line can be calculated using the following formula:

f_Lorentzian = 2*gamma        

The result obtained is:

f_Lorentzian = 7.00244995329159        

Voigt fit

Voigt profile is a convolution of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian. It can be defined in the domain of special functions:

A0 + A * np.real(wofz((x - x0 + 1j*gamma)/sigma/np.sqrt(2))) / sigma /np.sqrt(2*np.pi)        

where sigma is the parameter of a Gaussian, gamma is the parameter of a Lorentzian, and wofz is a Faddeeva function. Faddeeva function implementation from scipy.special pacakage was used.

Voigt fit 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite

The results of the Voigt fit were as follows:

A0 = 6.01007330e-01
A = 3.63298344e+01
x0 = 1.08754782e+03
sigma = 1.72334849e+00
gamma = 2.55363910e+00        

Gaussian linewidth is defined as follows:

f_Gaussian = 2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))*sigma        

The result obtained is as follows:

f_Gaussian = 4.058175560194967        

Lorentzian linewidth is defined as follows:

f_Lorentzian = 2*gamma        

The result obtained is as follows:

f_Lorentzian = 5.107278207662339        

FWHM of the line can be calculated using the following formula:

f_Voigt = 0.5346 * fL  + np.sqrt( 0.2166 * fL**2 + fG**2)        

The result obtained is:

f_Voigt = 7.433397414906343        

Comparison of fits

For the comparison, Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt fit were plotted together.

Fits of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite: Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt

As we can clearly see by eye from the figures, Lorentzian provides a better fit than Gaussian, while Voigt profile provides the best fit.

Error analysis

Residues of fit

The residues of the fits are plotted below.

The residue of Gaussian fit of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite
The residue of Lorentzian fit of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite
The residue of Voigt fit of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite
The residues of the fits of 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite: Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt

Reduced chi-squared

In order to compare the fits quantitatively, we perform error analysis in terms of reduced chi-squared. Chi-squared, the parameter of the goodness of a fit, is defined as follows:

chi2 = np.sum(error["Error, %"]**2)/error["Error, %"].size        

The following results were obtained for Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt fit respectively:

chi2_gaussian = 0.009955851734696885
chi2_lorentzian = 0.004882272418488386
chi2_voigt = 0.0031965457618039566        

Spectral resolution of a Raman spectrometer

ASTM defines calcite as a reference sample to determine the resolution of a Raman spectrometer. According to the ASTM E2529 – 06(2014) standard the resolution can be determined from the full width at half maximum of calcite 1085cm-1 line using the formula:

s_resolution = ( FWHM_calcite_1085 - 0.684 ) / 1.0209        

Using the result for the FWHM of the Voigt fit we obtain the following:

s_resolution = 6.61122285719105        


  • Voigt fit of calcite 1085cm-1 Raman line provides better results than Lorentzian or Gaussian fits.
  • Spectral resolution of a miniRaman spectrometer is 6.61cm-1 as determined from the Voigt fit of the 1085cm-1 Raman line of calcite

The Python code used for this article is freely available on github as a Jupyter notebook via the following link: (MIT License)



Choosing the right model for data analysis in #spectroscopy is crucial. The nuances in line profiles can significantly impact the accuracy of results.



