Fitogether Voices Ep. 1: How We Shape the Future of Coaching with TFA Dubai
Welcome back to the Fitogether newsletter!??
This edition is a bit special—we’re launching something new: "Fitogether Voices". In this series, we’ll bring you exclusive insights straight from our team and experts, until our valued clients and partners!?
With Fitogether Voices, you’ll hear firsthand how our technology is revolutionizing the game, from the perspectives of those using it daily—whether it’s our internal experts, sports scientists, or the teams, clubs, or even academies we support.??
Get ready for more in-depth stories, personal experiences, and actionable insights!?
We know football coaching comes with challenges, so we’re here to offer solutions that make a real difference.?The future of coaching isn’t just about tactics and training—it’s now about technology, data, and video analysis.??
Our data-driven approach isn’t just for professional teams; it’s also a game-changer for academies. We’ve partnered with TFA (The Football Academy) Dubai to elevate their coaching and player development through advanced data and video insights.?
Let’s take a look at how we’re making a difference in an academy???
Who is TFA Dubai??
TFA (The Football Academy) Dubai is a big academy that empowers players to elevate their passion for football to professional levels, offering holistic training, and fostering community and personal development through specialized programs and dedicated coaching.?
In this special blog, we are recapping what Ali El Jishi (Founder of TFA Dubai) wrote about us on his blog (Ali's Words | TFA) - showing how our technology helps the academy succeed.
Why Technology Matters??
Coaches need clear insights into player performance, but traditional methods often fall short. In today’s football world, technology is key.??
At TFA Football Academy Dubai, we use our OHCOACH advanced wearable devices and analytics to get a clear picture of player performance. We provide detailed metrics on player movement, speed, and positioning, giving coaches the comprehensive insights they need to make informed decisions and improve training outcomes.??
So how does our technology benefit them???
As mentioned by Ali (Founder of TFA Dubai), today’s players are used to digital and visual learning. They’re comfortable with technology and prefer seeing information rather than just hearing it. That’s why our video and data analysis tools are so important. They give players clear, visual feedback that helps them learn and improve faster.?
Our technology does more than just collect data—it transforms how training is delivered. This means that after each game or training session, coaches can review detailed footage and metrics with players. This immediate feedback helps to identify what went well and what needs adjustment, making training more targeted and efficient.?
Yes - The benefits of our technology extend beyond training. Our detailed performance data is also expected to reshape player transfers. With clear, data-driven insights, teams can present players more effectively, making the transfer process smoother and more transparent. This approach not only showcases players' strengths but also increases their market value, making clubs more attractive to potential buyers!?
Last but not least – we just want to recap it all...
Our partnership with TFA Dubai and our role in advancing football analytics highlight the importance of clubs or academies investing in technology.
The benefits of accurate & real-time data are evident, from improving player performance to enhancing commercial opportunities for the club itself.
The future of football coaching is here, and it's powered by technology.
Together with our partners, we are not just keeping pace with change; we are leading it.
Join us in shaping the future of football.
Are you an academy, club, or team?
No matter who you are, now you know how crucial it is to invest in technology.
Let’s have a casual talk about how we can help you achieve your goals and take your coaching to the next level! Simply contact us from here!
We’re here to help you succeed.