Fitness Moving Forward: Why Gyms Should Now Use a Multi-Pronged Marketing Strategy
Since the pandemic took hold of the United States earlier this year, citizens and businesses alike have been anxiously waiting for life to return to some semblance of "normal." In the past couple of weeks, we've seen more states reopen their economies, triggering what some people infer as a hopeful return to pre-pandemic life and prosperity. However, as more states open up, more data in regards to the consumer's current perspective becomes available to us.
According to a recent report from Nielsen, roughly one-third of the United States is "ready to go" in terms of resuming business and reopening the economy. However, the other two-thirds of the population would rather err on the side of caution or "wait and see."
So what exactly does this mean for businesses anxiously waiting to reopen? It means that while many of us may be hoping for a sizable reopening turnout, we must also acquaint ourselves with the reality that there may be some ups and downs along the way.
But that doesn't mean that all hope is lost. Bridging the gap is still possible as long as your marketing is smart and strategic. By all means, let your customers know that you are ready to reopen and that you are taking every measure possible to ensure the health and safety of your employees and customers. Don't be afraid or wait to get your message out there—but also understand that one size may not fit all.
Instead, consider creating a 3-pronged strategy when talking to those who would rather "wait and see," "proceed with caution," or who are "ready to go." Alter your messaging so that you address each group's excitements, concerns, and fears. This type of approach will be the most effective way to maximize your draft and minimize cancellations by moving prospects and customers alike across a continuum from "wait and see" to "ready to go."
As always, please feel free to contact [email protected] or [email protected] to discuss appropriate messaging and/or how we can utilize a three-pronged strategy to your business' advantage.