Fitness Important for Banking

Fitness Important for Banking

First and foremost, I want to thank my readers and followers for their encouragement in motivating me to create this post. It is challenging to write an article because of my hectic schedule, but I have to consider it a part of life because of the reader's support. This article is related to the preceding article about challenges that required the system to restart. Covid pandemic recognizes that fitness is an essential aspect of our lives, and we often overlook this critical component owing to our hectic schedules. After the injury or the passage of time, we recognize the importance of fitness, but we lack the strength to recover it. Similarly, fitness is essential to every organization, including banking, fintech, payments, etc.

In this post, we will look at ways to improve or restore our banking fitness. Before the epidemic, the financial sector operated as a standard procedure, but the pandemic has made every small aspect essential to us. Now one by one, we will discuss significant points which will accelerate or improve banking fitness.

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You cannot stick with your old company plans in the digital world; new business plans are the new measure of success.

In 2020/2019, digital banks grew their customer bases three times faster than traditional banks. Investing in digital channels has paid off: banks now have a more extraordinary ability to recruit new clients, increase the share of wallets, and push additional goods. In addition, Digital channel origination and sales skills demonstrate the value of the digital transformation project.

Banks must provide excellence in their fundamental business strategy.

Banks must create and manage excellence in their main business of deposits and lending. Banks will focus on extending and enhancing capabilities across the loan life cycle, including credit decisioning, collections, and recovery. Fintech partners will provide new capabilities: By the middle of 2021, fintech proposals will support 50 percent of retail banking loan decisions, highlighting the growing bank-fintech partnership.

New digital firms and more powerful corporations are emerging daily. As a result of this, competitiveness has risen to the next level.

Traditional banking challengers – neo banks, fintech, and tech disruptors — are retrenching, perhaps paving the door for a new round of disruptors. Meanwhile, traditional banks are expanding their investments in digital projects, intending to become digital-first banks.

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Customer engagement is a critical element right now. Therefore, banks should develop innovative consumer engagement techniques.

Prestaged encounters, content-driven interactions, recommendation-focused interactions, and proactive outreach are all becoming increasingly common. In-branch interactions are likely to undergo significant change: By 2024, half of all in-branch transactions will be pre-planned transactions or appointments for experts that begin on digital platforms and are completed on bank-owned technologies and locations. The efficacy of bank staff tools for interaction is now just as essential as the effectiveness of consumers' mobile devices.

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In business, stability is essential. Therefore, banks should foster stability because stability is synonymous with excellence.

Businesses that make much money one month and then lose money the next. These firms are not regarded as the finest. New regulatory measures will be implemented to guarantee that banks maintain channel stability – regulators will rigorously monitor availability, dependability, and service quality.

Banks must expand their staff by employing new specialists in artificial intelligence, who will aid in developing digital banks.

Investing in analytics, especially artificial intelligence (AI), results in a more humanistic approach to customer service. The downturn highlighted the necessity for banks to express empathy, trust, and dependability to clients in high-emotion states.

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Banks should focus on thinking innovatively and coming up with distinctive new concepts that will set them apart in the market. It is necessary to innovate in new ways.

Innovation activities are projected to pick up steam in 2021, with a better likelihood of success as banks reconfigure their agile and DevOps teams. Agile frameworks are already in place at 50% of Tier 1 institutions.


Banks must concentrate and act fast to restructure. The competition is fierce, and every second count. Invest in central departments and engage specialists to expedite the reorganization process. Investing in people is preferable to investing in machines. I usually attempt to highlight the current solutions and challenges encountered by the banking sector; perhaps this article is causing a shift in bank thinking.

I would appreciate it if someone shared their opinions and experiences regarding the topic with us in the comments so that everyone gets the benefit


