Fitness and The Close Protection Specialist
Joe Bezotte
A training company focused on training hard, Training right, and training often.
Fitness, for the Close Protection Specialist is going to be more defined than the Merriam-Webster’s definition, “the quality or state of being fit”. Perhaps it would be more specific to hard skills such as defensive or physical tactics. Or, maybe it would also include stress inoculation. Maybe we could also cover overall health to account for sudden spikes in adrenaline, constricting blood vessels, and elevated heart rate to account for stressful situations and the ability to operate under those conditions. Something to ponder on for sure.
Core Security Consulting LLC has a program built specifically for Close Protection Teams. The program is called the Close Protection Mission Fitness Training Program (CPMFTP) and is one of the many training components under the Core Close Protection Training Module (CPTM).
This program was created to address a crucial part of being a successful Close Protection Agent; to be as fit and prepared for the job as possible. The CORE fitness program covers specific areas such as speed, strength, power, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and stamina. These core areas will also help build and improve many other secondary and tertiary fitness areas.
CMFTP incorporates a fitness assessment administered at the beginning of the program. This will assess the fitness levels of each participant and provides important feedback to ensure optimal fitness levels and growth potential are being reached throughout the program. Complete individualized instruction is also provided in the areas of physiology and nutrition as well as more practical instruction on stretching, flexibility, functional fitness and muscle training.
An important part of this program is ensuring that participants will be able to actually apply what they have learned on a regular basis. With that in mind, we prepare and provide numerous types of workouts and equipment that are “travel friendly.” We believe this is an important aspect as we all know these teams are frequently on the road and many times without the desired equipment.
We also provide routine follow up to agents to assess how training is progressing and to provide support and advice on making improvements if needed.
Fitness is a very important facet of being a Close/Executive Protection Agent; in order to fight and win, you must first prepare for the fight.
If you are a Close Protection Specialist or Executive Protection Team Agent I highly suggest you evaluate your personal and your team fitness in an honest and positive manner. This is crucial, not only to yourself but also to your fellow agents, your principle and your loved ones.
Be Good!