Is fit20 fun?
Exercise is not pleasant, but it’s vital to our ability to function as we get older. We now know that strength training is the holy grail for health and longevity. If you don’t have strength, you have nothing.
If you don’t have strength, you have nothing.
Let’s not beat around the bush: fit20 training is hard by design. The clue is in the method we employ - it's called high intensity training. And I hate to break it to you, but it will continue to get harder the longer you do it for!
WHAT’S YOUR WHY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I first came to fit20 as a customer. I had lost strength in my 30’s after a period of not doing strength training. fit20 helped me regain that lost strength. It also guarantees I will maintain it, for life - as long as I commit to a simple weekly 20 minute appointment. How cool is that?
I do it so I can keep up with my two young children. I do it so I can hop on my bike and cycle for miles without suffering the next day. I do it to help other people like you realise those benefits too. This is my why.
We don’t always appreciate how important strength is until we lose it. Strength allows us to:
After a certain period, it isn’t uncommon for fit20 members to signal that they are enjoying their training less. Typically, this is when they reach a level where it is consistently ‘hard’. If this happens for you, I challenge you to think about it differently. Consider all the benefits that a weekly 20 minutes of hard work brings you. All things considered, I’m sure you’ll agree it makes the rest of life easier!
The best advice is to learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The ‘burn’ that you experience that many people don’t like is not something be avoided. You have to have that – it is essential.
You have to have that – it is essential.
The final seconds are the toughest, but also the most important. The ones where you feel uncomfortable. You want to stop, but your trainer is saying “keep going” and you really wish they’d say it was time to stop! This is where the magic happens. It is here, in these final moments that you signal to your body to get fitter and stronger. Where your body makes positive adaptations. Without it, the reverse happens. Negative adaptation – we lose strength and muscle mass.
I encourage you to be thorough in your approach to your fit20 training. Don’t shy away from your weekly appointment – learn to embrace it. Know and trust that your trainer will meet you where you are at and encourage you to do your best each week. That is all you can do.
Your commitment is to turn up ready do the hard work. Motivation follows. Your future self will thank you.
Matt Appleby, fit20 Stocksbridge
?? If you’re curious to find out how fit20 can help you, get in touch
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