FIT for Business

FIT for Business

My thanks go to Paul Avins for being the catalyst that inspired this blog.

We've been listening to his CDs, "5 Steps to Recruiting, Training [email protected]]

On the CDs, Paul shares some research from Harvard University about three factors that strongly determine the success (or failure) of a venture.

You'll need to listen to the CDs to hear the original research because I'm going to bend it slightly to fit my purpose as a writer!

The Lex Factor, rather than the Harvard Research, suggests that, to be FIT for Business, we'll need these three things:

  • Funding
  • Innovation Technology, and
  • Team Symbiosis.


The big surprise for me, listening to Paul, was the prime emphasis on the need to become an expert at funding a business. This is actually a bit embarrassing because Kevin Whelan has been teaching me this for the best part of four years - particularly in relation to Property Businesses. Kevin taught me that any Property Entrepreneur is going to run out of cash before they run out of ambition.

What I hadn't done was to make the leap in applying this to any and every business.

Every Entrepreneurial Business is going to run out of cash before it runs out of ambition

This means that every Entrepreneur needs to understand what it means to be 'Irresistible to Investors' - what Kevin and I called our 'i2i programme'. Time to revisit that one!

In case you're curious, the first part of becoming Irresistible to Investors' is getting your Social Media 'ducks' in a row. That means your personal Facebook account must reflect your business values because it is going to appear on the first page of any search carried about in the due diligence process.

If you'd like a checklist of what to do when, here it is:

  • Run a Google search first. If everything that comes up is information portrayed in a way you are proud of, proceed to the next point... and if it isn't, deal with the embarrassing content first! You have no secrets online!
  • Make your LinkedIn profile your next priority; it's where most business people look. LinkedIn gives you the power to connect, peer-to-peer, and more! You are merely the right process away from becoming connected to anyone you want to on the planet. Whilst I can help with this, I'd also recommend the Amazing, the Mighty Gwynn! [Andy Gwynn is the Wizard of LinkedIn!]
  • Facebook packs a phenomenal punch at the moment. It provides some of the most powerfully targeted advertising that money can buy, so get a company page, start a group, and install that Facebook Pixel! If this terrifies you, we can help. Stop wasting time, money, and energy on advertising that isn't measurable. Facebook is an advertiser's dream come true.
  • YouTube is owned by Google. People prefer video. You don't have to believe me on that one - just do your research on the stats. I believe, at the time of going to press, videos get 76% more engagement - especially on mobile platforms where folks don't want to squint at text. YouTube is the second biggest search engine too - so, to have a visually rich 'Broadcast' channel is a must. Hey, see it as your own TV Channel, because, increasingly, that's just what it is!
  • Have a heartbeat. Twitter, Instagram, along with other more 'immediate' messaging services keep your brand front of house, front of stage, in-sight - in-mind, vs, out-of-sight - out-of-mind. Not got a clue about Instagram or Twitter? I know people who will help. PM me!

There's more but when your brand and business grow enough, you'll get a team member to do the rest. Your main job is to work on the Brand New You!

I Disease

Whilst this isn't a blog focusing solely on becoming investible, let's just say that investors are not primarily interested in what's in it for you. Let your language reflect the value you bring to them, and to something bigger than yourself. This is called Wii.FM - 'What's In It For Me?' - and is the main broadcast frequency your YouTube and other Social Marketing should go out on.

The alternative is to have promotional materials that myopically suffer from 'I' Disease: "I this..." and "I that..." - it's too shortsighted and small to attract a generous investor.

Our own business is proud to be a part of Buy One; Give One - business for good - simply because we want to be and we believe in what we can achieve together, but being partners in something bigger than our own needs really helps the business too. By investing in us, you invest in something far bigger and more amazing - and you get the credit!

Action #1: Get Funding

If you would like to learn more about how you can become, "Irresistible to Investors," Kevin, Paul, and I can help. Kevin is the UK's leading expert on funding through the Entrepreneurial-Friendly type of pension: a SSAS. This is so powerful, we often call it, "The Joy of SSAS!"

Innovation Technology

A lot has been said over the years about the 'Information Age' and thence to 'Information Technology.' This is still relevant but it is becoming outpaced by a new focus. We've moved into the 'Age of Connection' - and beyond. The beyond is the 'Age of Meaning' where investors, business owners, and, above all, Entrepreneurs, are looking for meaningful work and meaning-filled returns on investment.

To get the leverage to continuously add value - the Entrepreneur's Credo - we must include the use of what I call 'Innovation Technology'. Alexa and Siri, my two digital assistants are, of course, excellent examples of managing information with technology. I would suggest, however, that they are examples of a cultural shift, through innovation - hence 'Innovation Technology'. Alexa, for example, is beginning to make intelligent suggestions tailored to my taste.

I long ago abandoned my ineffective and expensive famous-branded Sat-Nav (or 'Shat-Nav' as we came to call it because it was garbage) because there's a better and more accurate, regularly improved Sat-Nav Map application on my iPhone! And it is FREE!

From Cloud-Based accounting, that makes managing expenses a breeze, to intelligent suggestions from Amazon, my life is becoming easier and faster in areas which shouldn't require much of my time or attention. This Innovation Technology lets me get into my own flow as a Creator - and to focus my time and attention there.

And as for being a Creator, my life is so empowered now by technology. This morning, this is fourth blog I have moved from idea to publishing. I've been able to source and edit the artwork (using Photoshop), and, should I wish, I can create broadcast quality video and audio in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the cost, it used to require just two years ago!

Action #2: Build Power through Innovation Technology

I'd recommend subscribing to HubSpot. Not only do HubSpot promote their own excellent systems to accelerate the growth of your business, they also blog regularly content that is insightful. My favourite Futurist and Entrepreneurial Guru, is Roger James Hamilton. Tapping into his flow of publications will really keep you at the crest of each Wave of Innovation.

  • - Roger's own YouTube 'TV' Channel, focusing on increasing your flow.

Team Symbiosis

The third factor is what I call, "Team Symbiosis."

Here's what the dictionary says about 'Symbiosis.'

"interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both.
"a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups."

Symbiosis is Nature's model of a win-win that uses collaboration as the superior principle over competition. Regarding a team, one of the key words in the definition of Symbiosis is 'different'. Paul Avins, Kevin Whelan, and my own organisation use Talent Dynamics from Roger Hamilton. In addition, my preferred frame on this, from Paul himself, is delivered in the UK as Team Dynamics. This is the same content as Talent Dynamics, yet it is presented from an uniquely British Entrepreneurial perspective, benefiting from Paul's own years of experience as a business growth accelerator and mentor. Paul is the leading advocate for Talent Dynamics and Wealth Dynamics in the UK, and a World Leader too in the sale of the assessment tools. Knowing his 'stuff', training with him is a safe investment!

So what is it?

Team Dynamics is a model and process by which you can get recruit and grow your own team - with each member able to grow into their own flow. There are 8 strong styles in the framework:

  • Creator
  • Star
  • Supporter
  • Deal Maker
  • Trader
  • Accumulator
  • Lord
  • Mechanic

It is usual for each Team Player to be strong in three of these styles - with one being dominant as the form in and through which they find their greatest freedom and flow.

The BIG mistake many small Entrepreneurial Businesses make is to try and fulfil all requirements in one person!

This is neither Symbiotic nor sensible! Trying to play all the parts means that you'll hit the ceiling of complexity in no time at all. You'll also lose sleep, damage your well-being, and become a nightmare to be around - but that's enough about my past!

To be FIT for Business, you'll need, as a minimum, to recruit two other team players. For example, as a Creator, I am most in flow when I work with a Supporter and an Accumulator. Their own best flows cover the areas in the business that I am not naturally strong in.

Just imagine the impact you could have if you were 'in flow' 80% of the time!

If you waste time developing areas yourself that you are not naturally strong in, you will lose traction and you will be overtaken by faster, fitter competitors.

The Talent and Team Dynamics model is, of course, far more sophisticated - adding layer upon layer to your productivity when you get it right!

Action #3: Build Your Team

Building your team begins with finding your own flow, and then working out who to recruit to build what I call 'The Tripod' - the two other 'legs' that will support your business focus. Imagine a camera on a tripod. The camera's mission is to focus upon and then capture a specific vision. To achieve this perfectly, a tripod offers a stable supporting platform. I am merely one of three required 'legs'. I need the other two to thrive beyond merely surviving.

If you're happy to invest in your own profile here, one of my own connections, accredited in debriefing your unique report, will show you how your style can gel with two others to begin the growth of your own Team Symbiosis.

The link will take you to Christian Rodwell's "Escape the Rat Race" site where you can download his FREE copy of, "The Ultimate Entrepreneur's Toolkit," plus get links to Christian's private Facebook community, and his excellent Podcast. The Escape the Rat Race Podcast features leading Entrepreneurs who can help you get your own ticket to escaping whatever rat race you've found yourself in!

As Christian's own site describes the free toolkit:

"The ultimate set of online tools, apps and resources to help you setup and run your own successful business, either as a solopreneur, or managing a team of remote freelancers or virtual staff."

I would consider this a great guide to enhancing your own Innovation Technology!

In Conclusion

The whole point of Team Symbiosis is doing it together. So, I've got two great opportunities for you.

Firstly, Christian and I host a five-week programme (five sessions over a five-week period) to help you accelerate your progress towards freedom in five areas:

  1. Financial Freedom
  2. Time Freedom
  3. Location Freedom
  4. Relationship Freedom
  5. Freedom of Choice

The programme also helps you become free from any fears that would hold you back from being in full flowing freedom!

Again, check out the link.

Secondly, you can come and train with Paul Avins and his team in Talent Dynamics/Team Dynamics. Just pop me a message and I'll connect you with Paul's team, or follow the links to the CD earlier on in this blog.

Thanks for your time, your attention, and your talents - may you, as a result of taking action on the suggestions in this article, become even more FIT for Business!


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