First of May is the traditional Labor Day
On this day, the 1st of May, the Labor Day, many countries celebrate the rights of the workers and many countries had demonstrations and marches this year.
The most violent were the protests in France, where already few months French workers protest the pension reform that would rise the pension age from 62 to 64 years.
This May 2023 the French masses in millions gathered in the streets, burning fires, clashing with the police.?5000 French policemen in Paris, the French capital, tried to disperse the crowds with water cannons and other means, arresting around 290 people. 8 unions declared they would start strikes all over France.
The role of the masses, Marx describes as powerful tool against the government. Masses in France showed that they could take the power in their hands during the French revolution when they decapitated their monarch and his family. Now France is carrying the guillotine pointing at the head of the French President Macron.
The fact is that all the important unions declared they will strike during the key events. They threaten to shut off the electricity during the French open, the tennis tournament, and also to impede the Olympic games in 2024.
I am wondering when the police forces will join the protests, because they are also workers and they have to get pensions later as the rest of the workers. And why the masses are still so hopeless in front of the President, who barely survived vote with 9 votes missing to be removed from power.
The most violent turned out the protests in a country where the workers have the most benefits and better working conditions like France. In the USA the pension age is 68 but nobody protests. The working class is so smashed in the United States from the coming cheap labor from the millions immigrants, that are ready to work for nothing to survive. In the USA workers have no word at all, they don’t have work contracts. ?From the country where I was coming, I asked if I would sign a contract for the position that I applied. I was told that we are not football players to sign contracts here in the USA, hinting on my background as owner of a European professional football team. Many employers don’t respect any rights and don’t allow their workers to form unions, because further have to deal with the demands of these unions. And the capitalism is in this savage stage that doesn’t need any workers, when the robots can replace them,
Amazon, that gigantic corporation, is mercilessly exploiting its workers, don’t let them go to the bathroom, monitoring their work with clocks for timing, that creates anxiety. And still the government supports their efforts to suppress the voice of these people. The company even pays money to the workers to post encouraging and nice messages on social media about the beautiful conditions there. Who wants to work in Amazon? Nobody actually, if he is not pressed by the circumstances. Unions are forbidden there.
Marx describes that condition “The labour of the workers – the property-less masses – was bought and sold like any other commodity. The workers toiled for starvation wages, as “appendages of the machine?[s]”, in Marx’s famous phrase. By holding them in this position, the owners grew ever richer, siphoning off the value created by this labour.”
?Nice that the city of New York council members opposed the opening of the Amazon warehouse in the state that could have provided 25000 working places, but could bury thousand professions and other people's jobs. When you have a merciless capitalist the “cheetah” they call it in Amazon, who mercilessly have to follow the “gazelle”, the masses are powerless. It is a whole philosophy and culture in the company that has to be forbidden by the USA law and not to be supported. It is literally killing the way of life of the Americans, and any American dream. ?And they are not responsible for anything, majority of the goods there are sold by independent contractors and delivered by independent contractors, meaning the gigantic store, the portal is not responsible for the losses, but only for the gains. They are offering 15 dollars an hour for their warehouse workers, for robot working labor, that in NYC is a form of slavery. This capitalist is killing any other enterprises, small businesses, small business initiatives, and in collaboration with government lobbies is dominating above anybody and everything.
This kind of company violates the antitrust legislation, the workers rights legislation, and also, the antislavery laws. I would say we need new definitions of slavery in our society. Could not be a worker to spend all his salary for rent, and even to lack money for food. That is a pure form of slavery. Any salary that doesn’t?provide enough money for rent and food is slavery. And this form of slavery is supported by the government.
The lower prices and the fastest deliveries are making the company appearing as losing money and having no profit, and doesn’t pay taxes. They can afford that because of the investors that are buying their shares and invest in a constantly rising pyramid. That is what I said before in another article, the government has its favorite kids and some foster kids, choosing who to support and who to fail.
Does the mayor Adams know that Amazon violates the NYC law by not hiring people with criminal background as his contract workers. And also the same law violate all the food delivering companies like Instacart, that are big bunch in the city. They have to be restricted from operating on the NYC market just for the fact for asking background check that is also illegal in NY state, and not hiring ex criminals after the check. ?But the police is more interested to arrest a woman who is playing tennis with her kids for using more than 8 balls, than to turn their power against the real criminals and the big corporations, that are the reason the citizens to be in these desperate conditions of living that stimulate the crime and the violence.
American workers have to support the French colleagues for their courage and persistence.?The capitalism is in this form that it cannot survive without the militarism. They or we, say the French workers. And the conflict turns violent.