Fishing with a friend
Jimmy Francis
??Sense-Making, Certainty and Dealing with Complexity??Problem Solver ??? Employee Benefits Specialist at AssuredPartners. ??? Mayor South St. Paul, Minnesota??
I have a friend named Jeffery.
Jeffery and I have been friends for over 20 years.
I first met Jeffery in 2001 when I was a DJ at a South St. Paul legendary bygone bar called Nick's Place Bar. He was the clean-up guy. He likes to be called Jeff. I always let Jeff sing the last song of the night, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". It was always a crowd favorite.
Jeff has suffered from schizophrenia his whole life, but up until 2002, he never had any help staying on track and taking any kind of medication. Although Jeff doesn't like to admit it, Nick & Merl, owners of Nick's Place, saved his future by insisting he get into the county system and get help with mental illness.
With some ups and downs, Jeff has managed to work hard and afford a vacation, so I took him on a fishing trip, because that's what friend do.
A vacation for him, a reminder for me
So we planned for weeks and finally, the weekend came for me to take Jeff up to my uncle's place in Merrifield Minnesota. It's called Unkle Morries, it's a rustic trailer on a beautiful piece of property on a clear lake. This is the place my mom would take us Francis Kids one week every summer to play, fish, and enjoy the lake life. Although Jeff and I went in September, it was just perfect for a guy like Jeff who doesn't want to swim anyway. After all he'd say " Jimmy, a day of fishing is better than a week of working!"
Afternoon on the lake provided dinner
You get to talk a lot on the lake.
You also have moments of silence and the lap of the water on the boat, with the wind whispering over your ears. That was all interrupted by Jeff hollering "get the net I got a lunker". He had not even set the hook and he knew we had dinner! "Jimmy we ain't eating Dinty Moore! We are going to feast!"
We took some calls on the lake
I have this fun old phone that works with a cell system. Jeff had to call my brother Kip right away and let him know the "current conditions". I was also able to call my other brother Pat and get the low down on the "Honey Hole" on the lake. That proved to be productive because Jeff hooked another "hammer handle" as he calls them.
Jeff, from the water to the table
Jeff was so excited to catch the fish, I asked "How should we prepare them" and he said, "Let's do it shore lunch style so we don't mess up the cabin. That way we don't have to clean up and can fish longer tomorrow". And so Jeff prepared the fish his traditional way with plenty of butter, salt and pepper but don't forget an onion!
Moral of the Story
When a friend asks to go fishing, do it. You never know what kind of adventure it will be until you get there and sometimes the other guy needs the vacation more than you.
Supporting people with mental health, including those diagnosed with schizophrenia, is crucial for promoting inclusive and compassionate communities.
Schizophrenia, often misunderstood, is more prevalent than commonly known. It is important to break the stigma surrounding mental health conditions by fostering friendships that are free from judgment.
Offering understanding, empathy, and a shared interest, like fishing, can go a long way in providing support to individuals living with schizophrenia, helping them feel accepted and valued in their social circles.
Jimmy Francis is an employee benefits advisor with Assured Partners 651-321-8348 (guided fishing trips for friends and customers only)
President & CEO at Rihm Family Companies
1 年Stop making me cry! Beautiful story!