Fish the Moment
There is a young man with a YouTube channel called, “Fish the Moment”.? It is a great concept.? Because fish are creatures and their location, attitudes, and cravings change from day to day just like humans.? You can’t go out and do the same thing every time you go fishing and expect good results.? It just won’t happen.? Conditions and the fish change.
Now I give you a quote I saw a while back.
“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.“
In? our day-to-day business ventures how we function, act, and react at any given moment is a stepping stone to the next moment.? So every? event, obstacle, opportunity, or challenge will merely be a stepping stone of life to the next step in life.? Some are small stepping stones. Whiles others are large stepping stones.? BUT, how you handle every one matters.
So . . . What is your next step in life?
Happy Serving