Fiscal Conservation and Social Liberalization
“There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” — Ronald Regan
Sunday 7:39 a.m., my pup is chewing on a hoof of some animal long passed, the coffee maker is spitting out a tune, my Queen is slow asleep, and I’m reviewing my bets on the U.F.C. So how did I do? I lost $8.00. I bet $160 and lost $8.00. It’s the first time I’ve lost since I started using my system; I double bet on a fight by mistake, which cost me $20.00; if I stuck to my plan, I would have made $12.00. Lesson learned, don’t buck the system.
We headed to the Ale Empornium yesterday; we met our kid, Bay, her parents; we then went and got our toes did. Again, I want to say we got our toes done, but I think in this woke world, we must say we did. I was happy to see a new sign, masks optional. Thank God, as we went to other stores, I didn’t bother with a face covering; I guess these days, that action makes me a conservative. I believe in fiscal conservation and social liberalization. Sue me, baby, sue me.
I opted for black paint; I added some yellow smiley faces. My Queen was not so lucky; the color she picked was not the same they used; her toes need help; I might paint my wife’s toes this evening to help her out. Mine, on the other hand, look fabulous. We are headed to a park to meet our granddaughter today; we will take PVHT and let her run. I swear she is a part greyhound; she runs like an athlete.
We will return home and join our neighbors and Uncle Richard; they have rented a pickled peddler, we will help power his birthday ride. I suspect we will return home and relax, it’s been a fun weekend, but tonight I want to sit with my Queen and just be. There’s a Queen Bee reference there if you are paying attention.
The Charleston River Dogs kicked some major ass last night. They beat Columbia 19 to 6, our kid added some hits, but the left fielder hit three home runs and drove in 10 runs. A lovely night for our son-in-law’s teammate. It’s a cloudy day here in Indianapolis; the sun is supposed to eke out at 11:00, the exact time we meet our grandkid, thanks to something bigger than ourselves.
I guess there is a war in the middle east. Hamas and Isreal are chipping back and forth. Isreal calls Hamas and tells them what buildings they will destroy; they give them an hour before blowing up things; it’s a unique war strategy. It seems they care about life, but not property, and they did take out a couple of media offices so good for them. It should be noted that all of us are now reporters with our little phones and the ability to tweet. Do we need the media telling us what is going on, or can we crowdsource our lives goings-on?
What is the purpose of the media? When I was a young lad, we had three channels, all seemingly reliable, but today we have thousands of options to get our news. Each one tainted with a tinge of their bias, don’t believe everything you read, hear, or see; there is a deliberate campaign to paint a picture that does not exist. We live in the greatest country in the history of the world, don’t let anyone tell you differently. Obviously, I’m biased, but so are you, and that’s how we are made, played, and swayed.
I’m getting ready to celebrate a birthday; you can send me gifts; I’m registered at Kmart. I only picked items that would qualify for a blue light special. As a child, I would have my sister drive me to Kmart, and I would buy Hawaiian shirts and then wear them to school. I was a little Spicoli complete with white and black Van’s. It was a phase, just like when I wore parachute pants, and my Eddie Van Halen painted Jean Jacket.
We are always in a phase; I’m currently in my getting older stage. I like to love my wife, walk my dog, read books, listen to books and watch shitty television. We’ve been watching a show on Hulu called Deadly Women. It’s so bad, it’s good. Please think of the cheesiest show ever and then add some more ingredients; it’s a drama, but we view it as comedy.
Speaking of trash programming, we watched a Russell Crowe movie. Ol Russ has gained some pounds; the Gladiator is now pushing 400 pounds; the film, called Unhinged, is about a man that well, goes unhinged. He’s having a rough go of it and decides to share his misery with a young lady that overslept and was in a hurry. It’s violent, suspenseful, and I dare you to find it on Amazon Prime.
I’ve not come to the stage in my writing career that I’m recommending media to watch. Is that my purpose, is that my role, or am I missing an opportunity to share quality thoughts and ideas? The future will show the reason for my words; I have no idea why I continue to get up and pen these thoughts. I keep thinking my future self or some family member will appreciate this stuff, but alas, I’m no longer sure.
All I know for sure is if I get up and don’t empty my mind, my day is clunky and disorganized. I need this mind dump to help with my mental health and if you bother to read these words, thank you, but I wonder about your mindset. You just wasted about 3 minutes reading the musings of an almost 52-year-old man that shared nothing more than his thoughts and ideas. Is this helpful? Are you gaining anything from these words, or are you wasting time? I’ll let you make that call; I appreciate your interest but remind you that these words are not for you; they are for me; this is my way of starting my day, and if you join me, cheers if you don’t, I love you just the same.
“There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.”