“Firsts” Are Important – Regardless of Ability
Shawn Kros
Experienced President & CEO, skilled in nonprofit organizations, financial sustainability, social services and crisis intervention.
As we wrap up March and Developmental Disabilities Month, I think it is so important to emphasize this was really a celebration of Abilities Month. The individuals we support at The Arc NCR have a wide variety of abilities, passions, hopes and dreams, just like you and I. It is heartbreaking to realize that without support, some individuals would not have the chance to make those dreams come true. At The Arc NCR, we work hard to provide people with what is often a “first” experience many take for granted!
For example, most of us have been going to the beach since we were children. I can vividly recall an adult we support getting to go on a beach trip for the first time in his life after entering our services. He had always dreamed of seeing the ocean, and thanks to our team members, he went on a trip with his roommates to Ocean City where he enjoyed swimming in a pool and fun in the sun on the beach for the very first time.
Another amazing “first” recently occurred for two women we support – their first college class. Education is extremely important to them both; one young woman is pursuing a career as a medical secretary and is pursuing a degree in business. The other is obtaining her GED, which is essential for her to expand her employment opportunities. It is exciting to see the two pursuing their professional passions.
I think all of us can remember the feeling of our first paycheck. I was privileged to witness another individual work at his first paid job this past fall because former employers were not understanding of his abilities. Earning a paycheck means the world to him – he enjoys being in the community and now has the opportunity to decide what he wants in life…and money to spend on enjoying those personal pursuits!
This month was an important reminder not to take life for granted. I’d love to hear about some of your memorable “firsts” and what made them so meaningful – please feel free to tell me in the comments!