First Week of Essential Math. For ML
I just complete my first week of Essential Mathematics for ML With Prof. S.K. Gupta & Prof. Sanjeev Kumar (IIT Roorkee) From NPTEL(online mode) .
In this first week I learn :
* Vectors in ML(Lec. 1) : Vector Algebra ,Vector Combination of vector , Linear Independent and Dependent Vectors , Orthogonal Vectors ,Some Example of feature vectors.
* Basics of Matrix Algebra (Lec. 2) : Diagonal and Triangular Matrix,Matrix Algebra,Scaler Multiplication , Inverse of a matrix and its properties And we also practice the basic operation using python and numpy .
* Vector Space (Lec. 3) : Definition and 6 properties , sets not forming vector space over R like Polynomial of degree n, geometric interpretation of R^2 and R^3, Euclidean space
It also contain 1 assignment , my score was 2 :)