First time strategic leader? Put the kettle on...
Jenn Fenwick
Exec Coach - Sounding Board - Strategist | Partnering with global brands & senior leaders to maximise impact during transition & change, driving leadership evolution & developing worldclass role-models.
Regardless of experience level, starting a new leadership role is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience.
The first months are complex and often fraught with challenges.
If approached correctly, transitions are incredible opportunities to learn and grow, resulting in greater confidence in your leadership skills and capability, and getting you on the radar of the right people for future career opportunities.
"My confidence and belief in my own abilities has really grown, and this has been noticed by others too."
- Senior Medical Leader, Novartis
One of my most requested "transitions" is supporting leaders who are moving into a strategic leadership position for the first time.
There is so much going on in this transition. It can require a huge shift in mindset and approach so as to not succumb to the overwhelm and transition pitfalls.
Observing, questioning.
Working out what type of leader you are, and need to be.
Building a compelling vision.
Developing a strategy.
Being visible.
Building relationships.
Finding your voice.
Being heard.
Getting comfortable with the responsibility.
Building in time to close learning gaps.
Stepping up, without being overwhelmed.
Removing yourself from the pull of the day-to-day detail.
Setting boundaries.
Plus, all the rest....
It can knock the confidence out of even the most seemingly confident amongst us.
MYTH: Experienced leaders do not require support.
TRUTH: Regardless of level, a trusted support crew gives leaders a strategic edge and the best chance of success.
It blows my mind that most organisations still don't offer a robust, and employee-centric onboarding experience.
Below I share some feedback from an incredible Medical Leader that I worked with during her first 6 months in a new strategic leadership position. Curve ball after curve ball, this transition could not have been more challenging.
Yet, in those first months she not only settled into the role and felt like she "knew her shit", she thrived. Her confidence grew, and she caught the eye of key stakeholders across the business resulting in a further promotion!
Not bad, eh?!
One of her greatest learnings was that she didn't need to have the answers immediately to the challenges she was facing, or the questions she was being asked. Taking time for a cup of tea, and protecting space for strategic thinking, was essential and a powerful tool.
Here are a few things she had to say about her transition....
How were you feeling when we first started working together?
Nervous about whether I would be able to really change certain aspects of my working rhythm to be successful in my new role, but confident that you would be able to help me.
What was it you wanted to get out of coaching?
I wanted to have a safe space to admit to where I was feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. I wanted to have access to a coach, who wouldn't judge, but could help me figure out the right way forward, without worrying that this could impact the way I was perceived at work.
How did coaching support you?
I was able to find solutions and mechanisms to really find a way through some very challenging situations.... the best thing is that these have stuck with me and I use them now by default. What is wonderful is that colleagues now approach me for support in challenging scenarios after observing me navigate prior hurdles.
What was your greatest learning during our time together?
That the answers actually come from me, a cup of tea is a valuable tool..... and that "I know my shit"!
If someone asked you "What are the benefits of coaching?" - what would you say?
I would tell them that coaching is the best way to help you see clearly when the fog of work-related stress is getting too much. It focuses you on what can be achieved and where to prioritise. This is all a journey where you grow to understand that YOU have the answers and the skills, and you had them all along.
In a few lines, please summarise your experience of working with me (Jenn)
I will be forever indebted to Jenn for helping me navigate a very challenging introduction to a senior leadership role. My confidence and belief in my own abilities has really grown, and this has been noticed by others too. Jenn is approachable, down to earth and utterly trustworthy - I would recommend her to anyone.
Starting a new leadership role in 2021? Build a trusted support crew around you. It really is a game-changer.
Leadership transition and Onboarding Coach
NB - taking on new private clients in 2021, and also interested in speaking with organisations who are looking to create incredible onboarding experiences for their people!