First Time Selling a Business?
Eric Gilboord
I SELL COMPANIES & Coach Owners to sell their business faster, for more and with less stress. Let's talk.
I tend to spend a fair bit of time speaking with business Owners who, while great at making widgets, have never sold a business before. During our conversations, about selling their company, it is apparent they are a bit excited, a bit overwhelmed, a bit scared and a lot unprepared.
It is well known that 80% of businesses will not sell. They may not sell when the Owner tries. Or they never go to market to begin with.
Today I spoke with Jeff, an owner of a company that makes (fill in the blank) it doesn't matter what he makes. We have talked for a while and in my initial conversation I advised that he was not ready to sell.
Here are some of the challenges he faced:
I made some suggestions and in subsequent conversations assisted him to get them done.
Here are some of the suggestions I made:
It's a great story but without real tangible results it's just a story.
Here are some of the results:
Schedule a free Discovery call or book a Coaching call with me and let's talk about you and your business. CLICK HERE