For the First Time....
I have read negative reviews for my on Facebook. We can't have that. This is the finest site for people who still have a dream and wisdom to share. I have been sending people across the Internet here for over over 8 years. There was the beginning of LinkedIn - no groups - just a great group of World professionals who answered comments from the LinkedIn Team. They were interesting and challenging. After a week or so, there would be a judgement of 2,000,000 entries. The prize was either a Best Answer or a Good Answer, not for everyone, but for the Best of the Best. It didn't matter, everyone was learning and LinkedIn was growing. This initial group that actually did win those awards continued to create groups to categorize people's interests, yet give them the opportunity to learn and ask questions - and answer them from the general crowd. We have to fix this, new LinkedIn Team. We need a good lead-generator at Microsoft, or wherever this famous name now lays it's ability to give faith, hope, and charity to all who visit - to grow - to know - to be - to see they belong. We are teachers with experience and a hunger to share what made us successful in life.
I have always tried to instill in all the sites I belong to across the Internet, to please add fun to their site. So serious all the time, whether at Harvard Review or another Group, is too much! There has to be humor or entertainment. I am going to tell you all a secret. Do you know the question that LinkedIn got the most "Likes and Comments" from after asking (20,000 members)? Someone put a gumball machine photo up and asked everyone to guess how many gumballs were inside of it! That was the question of all the thousands of questions asked and answered that gave some light-hearted fun.
There are many ideas we can come up with to create a place to hang out, read, enjoy a maze or a hangman game, something simple - because learning gets overwhelming and it just needs a break here and there. We need re-organization this site so NO mistakes are made for the newer members coming into this land of knowledge. Suggestions are welcome! Let's fix this so that when we hear or see the title LinkedIn somewhere, it calls our name and we come.
I have never found a similar place on this Internet for the People waiting to explore and offer wisdom or learn from it,
Kitty Kelso KTE Business Re-Organization System