First-store and first-launch economies, national economic and technological development zones, and smart business circles
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from the last PRC Ministry of Commerce press conference of 2022
- 在商务部等部门的指导和各地积极动员下,相关企业聚焦提升消费者线上采购年货体验,推出了实折实扣、满减满赠等让利活动以及各具特色的促销方案,如有的推出“跨年狂欢夜”主题,有的主打“可信赖”特质,有的探索建设“半小时线上便民生活圈”,有的举办“数商兴农”专场和线上大集等,相信会更好满足大家的新春期待。
Guided by MOFCOM and other relevant departments, and mobilized by local authorities, businesses have offered discounts to consumers and come up with various promotion plans to enhance consumers’ online shopping experience, including putting forward the theme of “New Year Gala”, focusing on the quality of “credibility”, exploring a “30-minute online service circle”, and hosting special sessions for “digital commerce for agriculture” and online market fairs, to name but a few. We believe that these events will better satisfy public expectations for the Spring Festival.
- ?。。。我们将着力稳定汽车消费,支持新能源汽车购买使用,加快活跃二手车市场。巩固提升传统消费。支持餐饮等行业恢复发展,促进家电家居消费,推动绿色智能家电下乡和以旧换新。?
... we will reinforce and upgrade traditional consumption. Automobiles, home appliances, domestic decoration, and food and drink, which account for about a quarter of the total retail sales of consumer goods, are the main pillars of consumption. We will work to stabilize car consumption by supporting the sales and use of NEVs and vitalizing the used car market. We will support the resumption and growth of food and drink industry, and spur consumption of home appliances and domestic decorations. We will promote the programs of bringing green and smart home appliances to rural areas and replacing used goods with new ones.?
Today’s quote:
- 。。。优化消费平台载体。城市方面,我们将加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,稳妥有序推进步行街改造提升,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,更好满足多样化消费需求;加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈,提升居民日常生活便利度。?
... we will optimize the consumption platforms. In cities, we will accelerate the fostering of international consumption hubs, and continue to upgrade pedestrian streets. We will create exemplary smart shopping districts and smart stores to better meet diverse demands. We will speed up development of the 15-minute community life circles to make residents’ life easier.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 加快培育建设国际消费中心城市,统筹推进智慧商圈、商店示范创建,加快建设城市一刻钟便民生活圈,着力提升城市消费。?
We will step up efforts to foster international consumption center cities, promote the creation of smart shopping districts and demonstration stores, build quarter-hour convenient living circles in cities, and improve urban consumption.?
- 加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,在印发首批培育建设典型经验做法的基础上,进一步加强宣传推广;推动步行街高质量发展,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈,提升城市消费。?
We will expedite cultivation and development of international consumption center cities and intensify promotion efforts after releasing the first batch of typical experience and practices of cultivation and development. To boost urban consumption, we will strive for high-quality development of pedestrian shopping streets, advance demonstration projects of smart business circles and smart shops, develop 15-minute community service circles.?
- 加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,总结推广一批典型经验。?
We will move faster to foster and develop international consumption center cities and summarize and promote a number of typical successful practices.?
- ?加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,推进步行街高质量发展,开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈。?
We will foster and build international consumption center cities, further the high-quality development of pedestrian streets, launch demonstration and development projects of smart business circles and smart stores, and accelerate the development of 15-minute convenient living circles.?
- 兴办国家级经济技术开发区是我国改革开放的一大创举。经过近40年的发展,国家级经开区已成为先进制造业集聚区和区域经济增长极。现有230家国家级经开区以千分之三的国土面积,每年贡献了约占全国1/10的地区生产总值、1/5的工业增加值、进出口额和利用外资,为我国改革开放和现代化建设作出了重要贡献。为全面贯彻党的二十大精神,把发展经济的着力点放在实体经济上,更好发挥国家级经开区的开放引领作用,近日,商务部等10部门联合印发《关于支持国家级经济技术开发区创新提升更好发挥示范作用若干措施的通知》。《通知》围绕解决制造业发展所需资金、土地、人才等资源要素瓶颈制约,从加大招商引资支持力度、强化制造业项目要素保障、着力推动制造业提质增效、全力维护产业链供应链稳定4个方面,提出拓宽招商引资资源、优化项目环评流程、保障项目用地需求、积极培育产业集群、建立物流保障机制等12项支持措施,推动国家级经开区,特别是各地区考核评价排名靠前的国家级经开区,在稳定和扩大制造业引资规模、稳定产业链供应链等方面进一步发挥示范带动作用。下一步,商务部将牵头会同有关部门和地方,积极推进国家级经开区创新提升,围绕充分发挥国家级经开区产业集群、科技创新和营商环境优势,推动有关支持措施落地见效,重点开展以下工作:一是推动制造业高质量发展。通过部门协作、部省(区、市)联动,加大对国家级经开区先进制造业项目要素保障力度,促进产业链延链补链强链,加快推动外资标志性项目落地建设,支持主导优势产业增量提质。二是提升开放型经济质量。利用进博会、投洽会、中博会等展会平台,支持国家级经开区加大引资力度,开展产业链招商,鼓励设立外资研发中心,跨国公司地区总部及功能性机构,打造国际合作新载体。三是加快推进绿色低碳循环发展。通过绿色升级改造促进低碳转型和节能减排,支持国家级经开区创建生态文明建设示范区(生态工业园区)。四是促进区域协调发展。加强分类指导,支持东中西部地区国家级经开区在发展规划、运营管理、招商引资、人才资源等方面加强协同合作,推动产业有序转移和承接。?
NETDZs are a creation in China’s reform and opening-up initiative. After 40 years, NETDZs have grown into clusters of advanced manufacturing businesses and engines driving regional economic growth. The 230 NETDZs make up around 1/10 of regional output and 1/5 of industrial added value, import and export, and paid-in FDI with only 3/1,000 of the country’s territory. They have made significant contribution to China’s reform, opening-up and modernization. To fully implement the essence of the 20th CPC National Congress, focus on the real economy in promoting economic development and let NETDZs be pioneers of opening-up, MOFCOM and other nine authorities have jointly published the Circular on Several Measures Supporting NETDZs in Innovation and Upgrading to Improve Demonstration Effects. Aiming at removing the bottleneck of resource factors, such as funding, land and talent, for the manufacturing sector, the Circular puts forward 14 supportive measures, including more investment promotion input, better environmental assessment procedures, sufficient supply of land, cultivation of industry clusters and establishment of logistical safeguard mechanisms, under four themes, namely increasing investment promotion support, reinforcing supply of factors for manufacturing projects, improving quality and efficiency of manufacturing and ensuring industrial and supply chain stability. These measures will help NETDZs, especially those ranking top in their respective regional evaluations, become useful examples in maintaining and expanding investment in manufacturing and in stabilizing industrial and supply chains. Going forward, MOFCOM will lead the initiative and work with related authorities and local governments to implement these measures, to give full play to the industry clusters, technological innovation capacity and favorable business environment in NETDZs. Our focus will be the following: First, growing a high-quality manufacturing sector. With interdepartmental and inter-provincial coordination, we will increase support for advanced manufacturing projects in NETDZs in terms of factors of production, facilitate the extension, reinforcement and improvement of industrial chains, advance implementation of iconic foreign-invested projects, and support quantity and quality improvement of competitive sectors. Second, developing a higher-level open economy. We will make good use of exhibitions and platforms including the CIIE, the CIFIT and Expo Central China to increase investment in NETDZs, promote businesses activities along industrial chains and encourage establishment of foreign-invested R&D centers, as well as headquarters and functioning departments of multinationals in NETDZs, to build them into new platforms for international cooperation. Third, accelerating development of the green, low-carbon and circular economy. We will encourage low-carbon transition, energy conservation and emissions reduction via eco-friendly transformation and upgrading, and support NETDZs in building ecological demonstration zones (ecological industrial parks). Fourth, promoting coordinated regional development. We will provide differentiated guidance, help NETDZs in eastern, central and western regions strengthen coordination in development planning, operation and management, business promotion and human resources to achieve orderly relocation of industries.?
Today’s quote:
- 日前召开的中央经济工作会议部署明年经济工作任务时,将“着力扩大国内需求”摆在首位,并特别强调“要把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置”。?
The Central Economic Work Conference held recently put expanding domestic demand at the top of next year’s economic agenda and highlighted prioritizing consumption recovery and growth.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 着力培育完整内需体系,充分激发国内需求潜力,消费和投资稳定恢复,供需循环进一步畅通。?
We worked hard to foster a complete domestic demand system, fully unlocked the potential of domestic demand, achieved steady recovery of consumption and investment, and maintained more dynamic circulation to ensure that market supply met demand.?
- 进一步释放国内需求潜力。?
Doing more to unleash the potential of domestic demand.?
- 通过绿色升级改造促进低碳转型和节能减排,支持国家级经开区创建生态文明建设示范区(生态工业园区)。?
We will encourage low-carbon transition, energy conservation and emissions reduction via eco-friendly transformation and upgrading, and support NETDZs in building ecological demonstration zones (ecological industrial parks).?
- 商务部将认真做好节日市场保供和消费促进工作: 。。。 指导各地组织骨干保供企业与供应基地加强产销衔接,拓宽货源渠道,根据“两节”消费特点,增加库存数量和商品种类。?
MOFCOM will work to ensure adequate market supply and promote consumption during the festivals. ... We will guide sub-national governments as they work to match the backbone suppliers and the supply bases, expand supply sources and distribution channels, and increase the stock and varieties of goods to meet the demands during the festivals.?
Today’s quote:
- 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)2022年1月1日生效以来,商务部会同有关部门全面推进协定高质量实施工作,指导和支持地方、行业和企业抢抓RCEP机遇,高效利用RCEP市场开放承诺等各项优惠政策,推动协定政策红利逐步释放,我与RCEP其他成员贸易持续较快增长。根据海关统计,今年1-11月,我国与RCEP其他成员进出口总额11.8万亿元(人民币,下同),同比增长7.9%,占我国外贸进出口总额的30.7%。其中,我国向RCEP其他成员出口额达6.0万亿元,同比增长17.7%,超过全国出口总体增速5.8个百分点。随着协定的深入实施,其对区域内贸易投资的促进作用将持续显现。下一步,商务部将继续会同相关部门推进高质量实施RCEP等自贸协定,指导各地方、行业和企业用足用好协定,不断提升自贸协定综合利用效率。同时,我们将以RCEP为新起点,与更多贸易伙伴商签自贸协定,扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络;进一步提高货物贸易、服务贸易和投资市场开放水平,积极参与数字经济、环境保护等新规则议题谈判,稳步扩大规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放,更好服务构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展。?
Since the RCEP entered into force on January 1, 2022, MOFCOM has worked with related authorities to advance its sound implementation. We have guided and supported sub-national governments, industries, and businesses as they take advantage of the preferential policies brought by the RCEP, such as market access commitments. Trade between China and other RCEP members have grown steadily and rapidly. Customs statistics show that import and export between China and other RCEP members reached RMB11.8 trillion in the first 11 months of this year, up by 7.9%, accounting for 30.7% of the total import and export. Specifically, China’s exports to other RCEP members reached RMB6 trillion, up by 17.7%, beating the national average by 5.8 percentage points. As the agreement continues to be implemented, it will play a greater role in driving regional trade and investment. Going forward, MOFCOM will continue to work with other authorities to advance the high-quality implementation of the RCEP, guide sub-national governments, industries, and businesses in making full use of the agreement to improve its overall utilization. We will build on the RCEP and conclude more FTAs with our trading partners, as we move to expand a high-standard FTA network open to the world. We will continue to promote market openness for goods, services and investment, actively engage in negotiations on new rules regarding the digital economy, environmental protection, etc, and steadily expand institutional opening-up of rules, regulations, management, and standards. We will contribute further to the creation of the new development paradigm and high-quality development.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 1月1日,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)在中国等10国正式生效,标志着全球人口最多、经贸规模最大、最具发展潜力的自由贸易区正式落地。?
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into effect on January 1 in 10 countries including China. It marks the formal launch of a free trade area featuring the largest population, biggest economic and trade scale and greatest development potential.?
- RCEP15个成员国的人口和经济总量以及贸易总额均占全球总量的30%,是世界上最大的自贸区。随着RCEP的正式生效实施,中国与东盟、新西兰等成员国之间零关税产品比例大幅提高,并朝着90%以上的货物贸易最终实现零关税的目标前进。?
The 15 members of the RCEP account for 30% of the world’s total population, economy and trade, making the RCEP the largest free trade area in the world. With the RCEP officially coming into force, the proportion of zero-tariff products between China and ASEAN, New Zealand and other member countries increases significantly, and we are moving toward the goal of making more than 90 percent of trade in goods eventually tariff-free.?
- 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)即将如期生效是东亚区域经济一体化新的重大进展,将有力拉动区域内贸易投资增长,提升域内整体营商环境,稳固区域产业链供应链。?
The upcoming entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement as scheduled represents a major progress of regional economic integration in East Asia. It will effectively drive trade and investment growth, improve the business environment and reinforce industrial and supply chains within the region.?
- 中国已批准《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》,并申请加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》,将在履约和谈判进程中继续压减外资准入负面清单,推动农业和制造业全方位开放,加大服务业开放力度,依法给予内外资企业同等待遇。?
China has ratified the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and it has applied for joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). In the course of RCEP implementation and CPTPP negotiation, China will continue to shorten the negative list on foreign investment, promote all-round opening-up of its agricultural and manufacturing sectors, expand the opening of the service sector, and treat domestic and foreign businesses as equals in accordance with law.?
Today’s quote:
- “2023全国网上年货节”将于2022年12月30日至2023年1月28日举办,这也是商务部连续第三年会同相关单位共同指导举办该活动,目的就是聚焦人民美好生活需要和年货采购需求,努力保障人民群众度过一个欢乐祥和的新春佳节。目前,各地正在积极组织电商平台、生产制造、快递物流企业,紧锣密鼓地策划配套活动。“2023全国网上年货节”有以下三个特点:一是横跨双节的巧合让节庆氛围更浓。本次年货节恰好横跨元旦、春节两大佳节。这样的时间巧合,无论对于广大消费者还是企业来说,都是非常有益的:消费者可以有更多的闲暇时间横向比较、精心挑选,从而获得更多实惠;企业也可以对促销时点、重点品类等进行统筹安排,更好激发线上消费活力。二是主分会场的设置充分体现协同联动。我们选定广东作为本次年货节的主会场,届时,各大电商平台将开展集中展示发布。各地分会场也将举办各具特色的配套活动。如广西将举办“新丝路跨年电商节晚会”,为消费者呈现具有少数民族特色的消费新场景;北京将推出“京京有味”、“京年有戏”等多个板块,打出线上线下融合促销组合拳;辽宁设计了以“辽播四海商、广带天下货”为主题的一系列电商促消费活动。各地将共同行动,为消费者带来丰富多彩的网络促销活动。三是市场主体的踊跃参与让新春促销更具新意。在商务部等部门的指导和各地积极动员下,相关企业聚焦提升消费者线上采购年货体验,推出了实折实扣、满减满赠等让利活动以及各具特色的促销方案,如有的推出“跨年狂欢夜”主题,有的主打“可信赖”特质,有的探索建设“半小时线上便民生活圈”,有的举办“数商兴农”专场和线上大集等,相信会更好满足大家的新春期待。?
The 2023 Online Lunar New Year’s Shopping Festival will last from December 30, 2022 to January 28, 2023. The Shopping Festival has been held for three years in a row by MOFCOM and relevant departments, with a view to satisfying people’s aspiration for a better life and their purchase needs during the holiday, so that they can have a happy Chinese New Year. Currently, local authorities are guiding e-commerce platforms, producers and logistics companies to design supporting events for the Shopping Festival. This year, the Festival has three features:?First, this year, the Shopping Festival covers both the New Year holiday and the Spring Festival, a delightful coincidence which boosts an air of festivity, and benefits both consumers and businesses. Consumers may have more spare time to compare and select products to get the best deals; whereas businesses may set up timetables for sales promotion events and plans for key product categories, so as to fully unleash online consumption vitality. Second, the setting of the main and sub venues fully reflects coordination between different localities. We have selected Guangdong as the main venue for the Shopping Festival, where major e-commerce platforms will launch and present their products. Sub venues across the country will also hold supporting events with distinctive features. For example, Guangxi will hold the “New Silk Road New Year E-Commerce Festival Gala”, to provide consumers with new consumption scenarios with characteristics of ethnic minorities; Beijing will launch “Taste in Beijing”, “Drama in Beijing” and other segments, combining online and on-site activities to promote consumption; Liaoning has designed various e-commerce promotion events, including Liaoning e-commerce live streaming events. With concerted actions, we aim to bring diverse online promotion events to consumers. Third, active participation by market players makes sales promotion more innovative. Guided by MOFCOM and other relevant departments, and mobilized by local authorities, businesses have offered discounts to consumers and come up with various promotion plans to enhance consumers’ online shopping experience, including putting forward the theme of “New Year Gala”, focusing on the quality of “credibility”, exploring a “30-minute online service circle”, and hosting special sessions for “digital commerce for agriculture” and online market fairs, to name but a few. We believe that these events will better satisfy public expectations for the Spring Festival.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 为期29天的“2022全国网上年货节”刚刚结束。本次年货节遵循“政府指导、企业为主、市场化运作”原则,同步举办“上海合作组织国家特色商品电商直播活动”,取得明显成效。?
The 29-day Online Chinese New Year Shopping Festival 2022 has just concluded. It was held under government guidance, led by the business entities, and followed market principles. The SCO Specialty E-commerce Live Streaming Event was held during the same period and worked effectively.?
- 通过绿色升级改造促进低碳转型和节能减排,支持国家级经开区创建生态文明建设示范区(生态工业园区)。?
We will encourage low-carbon transition, energy conservation and emissions reduction via eco-friendly transformation and upgrading, and support NETDZs in building ecological demonstration zones (ecological industrial parks).?
- 。。。 加快发展新型消费。今年前11个月,实物商品网上零售额占社零总额比重达到27.1%。下一步,我们将促进新业态新模式健康有序发展,推动生活服务数字化转型,促进线上线下融合。顺应消费升级趋势,促进绿色消费、智能消费、健康消费,发展首店首发经济,打造更多消费新场景,释放消费新活力。?
... we will speed up new type of consumption. From January to November this year, online sales of physical goods accounted for 27.1% of the total retail sales of consumer goods. Next, we will facilitate the development of new business forms and new models in a sound and orderly manner, boost digitization of life service industry and promote online and offline integration. We will promote green, smart and healthy consumption to adapt to the trend of consumption upgrade, develop first-store and first-launch economy, create more new consumption scenarios and unleash fresh consumption vitality.?
- 督促北方部分大城市落实冬春蔬菜储备计划,指导地方统筹肉菜储备投放,增加市场供应。?
To increase market supply, we will urge big northern cities to implement the plan for winter and spring vegetable reserves, guide local governments in releasing meat and vegetable reserves.?
Today’s quote:
- 鼓励重点商超适当延长营业时间,满足节日消费需求。?
We encourage major stores and supermarkets to extend opening hours to meet consumer demand.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 积极引导扩大消费需求。抓住春节、元宵等传统佳节消费旺季契机,激发国内超大规模市场优势,深挖居民消费潜力。?
We will actively guide and expand consumption demand. We will seize opportunities from the shopping seasons associated with traditional festivals, such as Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, and unleash the potential of the huge domestic market and tap into residents' consumption potential.?
- 当前,消费需求的确比较疲弱,主要是线下消费需求疲弱。?
Consumer demand is indeed quite subdued now, especially consumption in bricks and mortar shops.?
- 重点支持既促消费惠民生又调结构增后劲的“两新一重”建设,主要是:加强新型基础设施建设,发展新一代信息网络,拓展5G应用,建设数据中心,增加充电桩、换电站等设施,推广新能源汽车,激发新消费需求、助力产业升级。?
Priority will be given to new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects, which not only boost consumption and benefit the people, but also facilitate structural adjustments and enhance the sustainability of growth. Specifically, efforts will be made mainly in the following three areas: First, we will step up the construction of new types of infrastructure. We will develop next-generation information networks, expand 5G applications, and develop data centers. We will build more battery charging and swapping facilities and promote wider use of new-energy automobiles. We will stimulate new consumer demand and promote industrial upgrading.?
Today’s quote:
- 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)2022年1月1日生效以来,商务部会同有关部门全面推进协定高质量实施工作,指导和支持地方、行业和企业抢抓RCEP机遇,高效利用RCEP市场开放承诺等各项优惠政策,推动协定政策红利逐步释放,我与RCEP其他成员贸易持续较快增长。?
Since the RCEP entered into force on January 1, 2022, MOFCOM has worked with related authorities to advance its sound implementation. We have guided and supported sub-national governments, industries, and businesses as they take advantage of the preferential policies brought by the RCEP, such as market access commitments. Trade between China and other RCEP members have grown steadily and rapidly.?
- 双方一致同意打造共建“一带一路”标志性大项目,用好输华产品零关税优惠政策,助力所方充分挖掘资源优势和发展潜力,扩大农渔业、木材、矿产、卫生抗疫、减灾救灾等广泛领域务实合作,深化产品加工、产业孵化、特区建设等经验交流,助力所方提高自主发展能力,加快实现工业化、现代化。?
The two sides [Chin and the Solomon Islands] agreed to jointly build major landmark projects under the Belt and Road Initiative, make good use of the zero-tariff preferential policy for products exported to China, and help Solomon Islands fully tap its resource advantages and development potential. The two sides agreed to expand practical cooperation in a wide range of fields such as agriculture, fishery, lumbering, mining, health and pandemic prevention, and disaster mitigation and relief, and deepen exchange of experience in product processing, industrial incubation, and the development of special economic zones, so as to help Solomon Islands improve its capabilities of independent development, and accelerate the realization of industrialization and modernization.?
- 清理转供电环节不合理加价,支持地方对特殊困难行业用电实行阶段性优惠政策。?
We will rectify excessive surcharges levied by utility companies, and support local governments in adopting temporary preferential policies on electricity use for industries which are experiencing particular difficulty.?
- 截至2020年,共有2699.2万残疾人参加城乡居民社会养老保险,其中1140.5万残疾人领取养老金;1076.8万残疾人获得城乡最低生活保障,其中重度残疾人641.4万人;680.1万重度残疾人中政府代缴养老保险费比例达到96.7%;另有303.7万非重度残疾人享受全额或部分代缴养老保险费的优惠政策。?
A total of 27 million people with disabilities were covered in old-age insurance schemes in both urban and rural areas, with 11.4 million receiving pensions. 10.8 million people with disabilities received urban or rural subsistence allowances, including 6.4 million with severe disabilities. The government paid basic old-age insurance premiums for 96.7 percent of the 6.8 million people with severe disabilities. The government also fully or partly paid the premiums for 3 million people with mild or moderate disabilities.?
- 《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》对残疾人就业作了明确规定,要求各级人民政府采取优惠政策和扶持保护措施,实现残疾人多渠道、多层次、多种形式就业。?
The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities stipulates that people’s governments at all levels shall formulate preferential policies as well as protective and supportive measures to help persons with disabilities to find employment through multiple channels, at various levels and in a variety of forms.?
Today’s quote:
- 。。。优化消费平台载体。城市方面,我们将加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,稳妥有序推进步行街改造提升,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,更好满足多样化消费需求;加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈,提升居民日常生活便利度。
?... we will optimize the consumption platforms. In cities, we will accelerate the fostering of international consumption hubs, and continue to upgrade pedestrian streets. We will create exemplary smart shopping districts and smart stores to better meet diverse demands. We will speed up development of the 15-minute community life circles to make residents’ life easier.?
- 加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,在印发首批培育建设典型经验做法的基础上,进一步加强宣传推广;推动步行街高质量发展,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈,提升城市消费。?
We will expedite cultivation and development of international consumption center cities and intensify promotion efforts after releasing the first batch of typical experience and practices of cultivation and development. To boost urban consumption, we will strive for high-quality development of pedestrian shopping streets, advance demonstration projects of smart business circles and smart shops, develop 15-minute community service circles.?
- 进一步推动步行街高质量发展,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设“一刻钟便民生活圈”,鼓励发展新业态新模式新场景。?
We will further facilitate the high-quality development of pedestrian streets, coordinate on fostering demo smart business circles and smart shops, accelerate the building of 15-minute community service circles for the convenience of residents and encourage the development of new business formats, models and scenarios.?
- 加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,推进步行街高质量发展,开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈。?
We will foster and build international consumption center cities, further the high-quality development of pedestrian streets, launch demonstration and development projects of smart business circles and smart stores, and accelerate the development of 15-minute convenient living circles.?
Recent quote:
- ?。。。优化消费平台载体。城市方面,我们将加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,稳妥有序推进步行街改造提升,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,更好满足多样化消费需求;加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈,提升居民日常生活便利度。?
... we will optimize the consumption platforms. In cities, we will accelerate the fostering of international consumption hubs, and continue to upgrade pedestrian streets. We will create exemplary smart shopping districts and smart stores to better meet diverse demands. We will speed up development of the 15-minute community life circles to make residents’ life easier.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 加快培育建设国际消费中心城市,统筹推进智慧商圈、商店示范创建,加快建设城市一刻钟便民生活圈,着力提升城市消费。?
We will step up efforts to foster international consumption center cities, promote the creation of smart shopping districts and demonstration stores, build quarter-hour convenient living circles in cities, and improve urban consumption.?
- 加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,在印发首批培育建设典型经验做法的基础上,进一步加强宣传推广;推动步行街高质量发展,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈,提升城市消费。?
We will expedite cultivation and development of international consumption center cities and intensify promotion efforts after releasing the first batch of typical experience and practices of cultivation and development. To boost urban consumption, we will strive for high-quality development of pedestrian shopping streets, advance demonstration projects of smart business circles and smart shops, develop 15-minute community service circles.?
- 进一步推动步行街高质量发展,统筹开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设“一刻钟便民生活圈”,鼓励发展新业态新模式新场景。?
We will further facilitate the high-quality development of pedestrian streets, coordinate on fostering demo smart business circles and smart shops, accelerate the building of 15-minute community service circles for the convenience of residents and encourage the development of new business formats, models and scenarios.?
- 加快推进国际消费中心城市培育建设,推进步行街高质量发展,开展智慧商圈、智慧商店示范创建,加快建设一刻钟便民生活圈。?
We will foster and build international consumption center cities, further the high-quality development of pedestrian streets, launch demonstration and development projects of smart business circles and smart stores, and accelerate the development of 15-minute convenient living circles.?
Today’s quote:
- 日前召开的中央经济工作会议部署明年经济工作任务时,将“着力扩大国内需求”摆在首位,并特别强调“要把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置”。?
The Central Economic Work Conference held recently put expanding domestic demand at the top of next year’s economic agenda and highlighted prioritizing consumption recovery and growth.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 党的二十大报告对未来五年乃至更长时期推进高水平对外开放作出了战略部署。近日召开的中央经济工作会议,对贯彻落实党的二十大精神,做好2023年外资工作作出了具体安排,强调要更大力度吸引和利用外资。商务部将坚决贯彻落实党的二十大精神和中央经济工作会议要求,坚持稳字当头、稳中求进,围绕稳存量、扩增量、提质量,多措并举,不断提高利用外资的质量和水平。... 中央经济工作会议提出,要扩大市场准入,加大现代服务业领域开放力度。?
The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made a strategic plan for the next five years and even a longer period to promote high-level opening up. The recent Central Economic Work Conference has made specific arrangements to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and called for greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment in 2023. The Ministry of Commerce will resolutely follow through the requirements of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference, give first priority to stability and pursue progress on the basis of stability, stabilize the FDI stock, promote growth, improve the quality, and constantly improve the quality and level of foreign investment through multiple measures. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to expand market access and further open the market of modern services.?
- 当前我国发展的内外环境发生了深刻变化,去年召开的中央经济工作会议强调,要促进产业链畅通,?
The internal and external environment that China faces has undergone significant changes. The Central Economic Work Conference held last year underlined the smooth operation of the industrial chain.?
- 今年中央经济工作会议提出要适度超前开展基础设施投资?
The Central Economic Work Conference for 2022 proposed that infrastructure investment should be implemented in advance in a moderate manner.?
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