The #firststep in #planning an #event is to contemplate its #purpose.
Once you've had a chance to determine the purpose and generate some #greatideas, the next step is to look at your #budget. In most cases, there are four elements of an event that will account for the majority of your budget. They are #venue, #travel, #catering, and #technology.
1- Selecting a venue is one of the most important elements of an event
2- #Travelcosts can be very high or very low, depending on how far your #team will need to travel. It's important to think through this portion carefully, as travel costs can easily add up.
3- #Technology has the ability to make or break your event, so it deserves a healthy allocation of budget. If the event you're planning has a higher production value, then you may need to consider things like lighting, auto, and on-site engineers to support the show. Technology needs will inevitably vary depending on the individual event.
4- #Food and #beverage is an integral part of most events and it's not an area where I'd advise skimping