The first and second centenary goals, the three appeals, the three concerns, and the three elements, the three principles, and the four shoulds

The first and second centenary goals, the three appeals, the three concerns, and the three elements, the three principles, and the four shoulds

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 北京宣言? [běi jīng xuān yán]? Beijing Declaration (July 23, 2024; see 关于结束分裂加强巴勒斯坦民族团结的北京宣言 guān yú jié shù fēn liè jiā qiáng bā lè sī tǎn mín zú tuán jié de běi jīng xuān yán; see also 北京宣言 běi jīng xuān yán Beijing Declaration December 5, 2023):?


The reconciliation talks and?the Beijing Declaration?between the 14 Palestinian factions brings hope and a future to the Palestinian people, and is an important step toward resolving the Palestinian question and achieving peace and stability in the Middle East. The key to the Palestinian reconciliation process is to bolster confidence, keep to the right direction, and make incremental progress. Only by making continuous efforts to build consensus and put it into practice, can the reconciliation process yield more and more substantive progress and greater unity. Peace will not be accomplished overnight, but as long as the effort is in the right direction, we must keep at it and never lose faith.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)

  • 第二个百年奋斗目标? [dì èr gè bǎi nián fèn dòu mù biāo]? second centenary goal (building a modern socialist country in all respects):?

Today’s quote:


There has been a lot of global attention on the new blueprint for China’s reform and opening up adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC. The session sent a strong message to the world about China’s steadfast commitment to reform and opening up in the new era. The story of China’s development success tells us that reform and opening up has always been the key—it was reform and opening up that enabled China to catch up with the times with big strides, it was reform and opening up that brought China’s First Centenary Goal to fruition since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, and it is still reform and opening up that will break new ground in Chinese modernization and lead China to the Second Centenary Goal.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 党中央认为,在党成立一百周年的重要历史时刻,在党和人民胜利实现第一个百年奋斗目标、全面建成小康社会,正在向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进的重大历史关头,全面总结党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验,对推动全党进一步统一思想、统一意志、统一行动,团结带领全国各族人民夺取新时代中国特色社会主义新的伟大胜利,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。?

The Central Committee considers it important in both a practical and historical sense to have a comprehensive review of the major achievements and historical experience of the Party over the past century as we celebrate its centenary and the fulfillment of the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and move on toward the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. This review will help build a broader consensus and stronger unity in will and action among all members and rally and lead Chinese people of all ethnic groups in achieving new and great success in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.? (Xi_Jinping_Explanation of the Resolution of the CC of the CCP on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century_共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议_November 16, 2021)?

?? 今年是辛亥革命110周年,是中国共产党成立100周年,中国人民正意气风发向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进。?

This year [2021] marks the 110th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 and the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and the Chinese people are striding with confidence toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at a Meeting Marking the 110th Anniversary of the Revolution of 1911_在纪念辛亥革命110周年大会上的讲话_2021_10_09)?

?? 在 这里,我代表党和人民庄严宣告,经过全党全国各族人民持续奋斗,我们实现了第一个百年奋斗目标,在中华大地上全面建成了小康社会,历史性地解决了绝对贫困问题,正在意气风发向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进。这是中华民族的伟大光荣!?

On this special occasion, it is my honor to declare on behalf of the Party and the people that through the continued efforts of the whole Party and the entire nation, we have realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at a Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the CPC 习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的讲话July 1, 2021)?

?? 从十九大到二十大,是“两个一百年”奋斗目标的历史交汇期。我们既要全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标,又要乘势而上开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,向第二个百年奋斗目标进军。?

The period between the 19th and the 20th National Congress is the period in which the timeframes of the two centenary goals converge. In this period, not only must we finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve the first centenary goal; we must also build on this achievement to embark on a new journey toward the second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country.? (Xi_Jinping_Secure a Decisive Victory 决胜全面建成小康社会夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利2017年10月18日)

  • 第一个百年奋斗目标? [dì yī gè bǎi nián fèn dòu mù biāo]? first centenary goal (building a moderately prosperous society in all respects):?

Today’s quote:


There has been a lot of global attention on the new blueprint for China’s reform and opening up adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC. The session sent a strong message to the world about China’s steadfast commitment to reform and opening up in the new era. The story of China’s development success tells us that reform and opening up has always been the key—it was reform and opening up that enabled China to catch up with the times with big strides, it was reform and opening up that brought China’s First Centenary Goal to fruition since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, and it is still reform and opening up that will break new ground in Chinese modernization and lead China to the Second Centenary Goal.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 十年来,我们经历了对党和人民事业具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义的三件大事:一是迎来中国共产党成立一百周年,二是中国特色社会主义进入新时代,三是完成脱贫攻坚、全面建成小康社会的历史任务,实现第一个百年奋斗目标。?

The past decade marked three major events of great immediate importance and profound historical significance for the cause of the Party and the people: We embraced the centenary of the Communist Party of China; we ushered in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and we eradicated absolute poverty and finished building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, thus completing the First Centenary Goal.?(Press conference on the 20th CPC National Congress)?

?? 有关国家防务部门和军队领导人表示,中国共产党领导中国人民实现民族独立、国家富强和人民幸福,完成“全面建成小康社会”的第一个百年奋斗目标,取得了世界瞩目的伟大成就,创造了人类社会发展史上的“中国奇迹”。?

The leaders of foreign defense ministries and militaries expressed that the CPC has made incredible achievements by leading the Chinese people to gain national independence, achieve prosperity, improve the people’s well-being and accomplish the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The CPC has created the “Chinese miracle” in human history.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on July 29_2021年7月国防部例行记者会文字实录 202107_29)?

?? 党中央认为,在党成立一百周年的重要历史时刻,在党和人民胜利实现第一个百年奋斗目标、全面建成小康社会,正在向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进的重大历史关头,全面总结党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验,对推动全党进一步统一思想、统一意志、统一行动,团结带领全国各族人民夺取新时代中国特色社会主义新的伟大胜利,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。?

The Central Committee considers it important in both a practical and historical sense to have a comprehensive review of the major achievements and historical experience of the Party over the past century as we celebrate its centenary and the fulfillment of the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and move on toward the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. This review will help build a broader consensus and stronger unity in will and action among all members and rally and lead Chinese people of all ethnic groups in achieving new and great success in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.? (Xi_Jinping_Explanation of the Resolution of the CC of the CCP on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century_共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议_November 16, 2021)?

?? 在 这里,我代表党和人民庄严宣告,经过全党全国各族人民持续奋斗,我们实现了第一个百年奋斗目标,在中华大地上全面建成了小康社会,历史性地解决了绝对贫困问题,正在意气风发向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进。这是中华民族的伟大光荣!?

On this special occasion, it is my honor to declare on behalf of the Party and the people that through the continued efforts of the whole Party and the entire nation, we have realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at a Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the CPC 习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的讲话July 1, 2021)

  • 改革开放? [gǎi gé kāi fang]? reform and opening up:?

Today’s quote:


There has been a lot of global attention on the new blueprint for China’s reform and opening up adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC. The session sent a strong message to the world about China’s steadfast commitment to reform and opening up in the new era. The story of China’s development success tells us that reform and opening up has always been the key—it was reform and opening up that enabled China to catch up with the times with big strides, it was reform and opening up that brought China’s First Centenary Goal to fruition since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, and it is still reform and opening up that will break new ground in Chinese modernization and lead China to the Second Centenary Goal.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 改革开放持续深化.全面深化改革开放推动构建新发展格局,供给侧结构性改革深入实施,简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革不断深化,营商环境明显改善.共建“一带一路”扎实推进.推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)生效实施,建成全球最大自由贸易区.货物进出口总额年均增长8.6%,突破40万亿元、连续多年居世界首位,吸引外资和对外投资居世界前列.?

Reform and opening up were deepened. We deepened reform and opening up across the board in an effort to create a new pattern of development. We further promoted supply-side structural reform and reforms to streamline government administration, delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. Thanks to these endeavors, a notable improvement has been made in the business environment. Joint efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) made solid headway. China played its part for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which has created the world’s largest free trade zone. China’s total volume of trade in goods exceeded 40 trillion yuan, registering an annual growth rate of 8.6 percent. It has thus been the top global trader for many years running. China is now both a major destination for foreign investment and a leading global outbound investor.? (政府工作报告_2023)?

?? 新时代十年的伟大变革,在党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史、中华民族发展史上具有里程碑意义。?

The great transformation over the past 10 years of the new era marks a milestone in the history of the Party, of the People's Republic of China, of reform and opening up, of the development of socialism, and of the development of the Chinese nation.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)?

?? 进入改革开放新时期,邓小平同志说:“历史上成功的经验是宝贵财富,错误的经验、失败的经验也是宝贵财富。?

When our country entered a new period marked by the launch of reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping noted, "The experience of successes is invaluable, and so are the lessons learned from mistakes and setbacks.? (Xi_Jinping_Explanation of the Resolution of the CC of the CCP on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century_共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议_November 16, 2021)?

?? 1981年,党的十一届六中全会通过了《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》,回顾了新中国成立以前党的历史,总结了社会主义革命和建设的历史经验,对一些重大事件和重要人物作出了评价,特别是正确评价了毛泽东同志和毛泽东思想,分清了是非,纠正了“左”右两方面的错误观点,统一了全党思想,对推动党团结一致向前看、更好推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设产生了重大影响。?

In 1981, at its sixth plenary session, the 11th Party Central Committee adopted the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People's Republic of China. The resolution reviewed the Party's history in the period before the founding of the People's Republic and summarized the experience it had gained in the course of socialist revolution and construction. The resolution gave assessments of certain major events and important figures, particularly a correct appraisal of Comrade Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought. It drew a clear distinction between right and wrong and corrected the erroneous "Leftist" and Rightist viewpoints existing at the time. Through the resolution, the Party came to a clear consensus and was more united than ever in support of a forward-looking approach. All this provided a strong impetus to the Party's endeavors in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.? (Xi_Jinping_Explanation of the Resolution of the CC of the CCP on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century_共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议_November 16, 2021)

  • 三关切? [sān guān qiè]? three appeals, three concerns (for humanitarian protection in the Ukraine crisis as put forth by Foreign Minister Wang Yi on July 7, 2022; the three are: 一是反对借机煽动冷战思维、渲染阵营对立、制造“新冷战”。面对复杂严峻挑战,世界重视的是团结,而不是分裂,需要的是对话,而不是对抗。中方将继续坚定站在历史正确的一边,站在劝和促谈的一边。First, China opposes exploiting the situation to incite Cold War mentality, hype up bloc confrontation, and create a "new Cold War". In the face of complex and severe challenges, what the world values is solidarity rather than division, and what the world needs is dialogue rather than confrontation. China will continue to unswervingly stand on the right side of history and on the side of promoting peace talks. 二是反对搞双重标准,损害中国的主权和领土完整。一些国家在乌克兰问题上强调主权原则,但在台湾问题上却不断挑战中国的主权和一个中国原则,甚至蓄意在台海制造紧张局势,这显然是赤裸裸的双重标准。中方拒绝任何将乌克兰危机同台湾问题相提并论的图谋,将坚定捍卫自身的核心利益。Second, China opposes undermining China's sovereignty and territorial integrity by applying double standards. Some countries emphasize the principle of sovereignty on the Ukraine issue, but keep challenging China's sovereignty and the one-China principle on the Taiwan question, and even deliberately create tensions in the Taiwan Strait. This is obviously a blatant double standard. The Chinese side rejects any attempt to draw parallels between the Ukraine crisis and the Taiwan question, and will firmly defend its core interests. 三是反对损害别国的正当发展权益。有的国家以乌克兰危机为借口,对中国等其他国家滥施单边制裁,既不正当,也不合法,破坏了国与国之间的正常交往,违反了国际贸易的通行规则,也导致了乌克兰危机的复杂化和扩大化。各方应对此予以共同抵制并努力构建开放、公平、非歧视的国际合作环境。Third, China opposes undermining other countries' legitimate rights?to development. Some countries have used the Ukraine crisis as an excuse to abuse unilateral sanctions on China and other countries, which is neither justified nor legal. Such moves have undermined normal state-to-state exchanges, violated the prevailing rules of international trade, and also complicated and magnified the Ukraine crisis. All parties should jointly reject such acts and strive to build an open, fair and non-discriminatory environment for international cooperation.):?


President Xi Jinping laid out four principles which provide the fundamental guidance for seeking a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. On this basis, China and Brazil jointly issued six common understandings that include the three principles for deescalating the conflict, the three elements for peace talks and the three appeals on humanitarian protection. The common understandings also highlight the need to prevent nuclear risks and protect the stability of industrial and supply chains. The common understandings represent the broadest common ground of the international community and have been widely supported and endorsed.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)

  • 三要素? [sān yào sù]? three elements (for peace talks for the Ukraine crisis; the three are: 俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案进行公平讨论 recognition from both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans.):?


President Xi Jinping laid out four principles which provide the fundamental guidance for seeking a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. On this basis, China and Brazil jointly issued six common understandings that include the three principles for deescalating the conflict, the three elements for peace talks and the three appeals on humanitarian protection. The common understandings also highlight the need to prevent nuclear risks and protect the stability of industrial and supply chains. The common understandings represent the broadest common ground of the international community and have been widely supported and endorsed.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)

  • 三原则? [sān yuán zé]? three principles (for deescalating the war in Ukraine, as set forth in the Common Understandings Between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis issued on May 23, 2024; the statement is as follows: 2024年5月23日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在北京会见巴西总统首席特别顾问阿莫林。双方就推动政治解决乌克兰危机、呼吁局势降温深入交换意见并达成六点共识:一、呼吁有关各方遵守局势降温“三原则”,即战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火。二、认为对话谈判是解决乌克兰危机的唯一可行出路。各方应为恢复直接对话创造条件,推动局势降温缓和,直至达成全面停火。中巴双方支持适时召开俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案进行公平讨论的国际和会。三、应加大对相关地区人道主义援助,防止出现更大规模的人道主义危机。应避免袭击平民和民用设施,保护妇女、儿童等平民和战俘。支持冲突当事方交换战俘。四、反对使用大规模杀伤性武器,特别是核武器和生化武器。尽一切可能防止核扩散,避免核危机。五、反对攻击核电站等和平核设施。各方均应遵守核安全公约等国际法,坚决避免出现人为核事故。六、反对割裂世界,制造封闭的政治或经济集团。呼吁在能源、货币、金融、贸易、粮食安全以及保护油气管道、海底光缆、电力能源设施、光纤网络等关键基础设施安全问题上加强国际合作,维护全球产业链供应链稳定。双方欢迎国际社会成员支持并加入以上共识,共同为推动局势降温、劝和促谈发挥建设性作用。 On May 23, 2024, H.E. Wang Yi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, met with H.E. Celso Amorim, Chief Advisor to the President of Brazil, in Beijing. The two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on pushing for the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and calling for the deescalation of the situation, and reached the following common understandings: 1. The two sides call on all relevant parties to observe three principles for deescalating the situation, namely no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no provocation by any party. 2. The two sides believe that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis. All parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and push for the deescalation of the situation until the realization of a comprehensive ceasefire. China and Brazil support an international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans. 3. Efforts are needed to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant regions and prevent a humanitarian crisis on a larger scale. Attacks on civilians or civilian facilities must be avoided, and civilians including women and children and prisoners of war (POWs) must be protected. The two sides support the exchange of POWs between the parties to the conflict. 4. The use of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons must be opposed. All possible efforts must be made to prevent nuclear proliferation and avoid nuclear crisis. 5. Attacks on nuclear power plants and other peaceful nuclear facilities must be opposed. All parties should comply with international law including the Convention on Nuclear Safety and resolutely prevent man-made nuclear accidents. 6. Dividing the world into isolated political or economic groups should be opposed. The two sides call for efforts to enhance international cooperation on energy, currency, finance, trade, food security and the security of critical infrastructure, including oil and gas pipelines, undersea optical cables, electricity and energy facilities, and fiber-optic networks, so as to protect the stability of global industrial and supply chains. The two sides welcome members of the international community to support and endorse the above-mentioned common understandings, and jointly play a constructive role in deescalating the situation and promoting peace talks.):?

Today’ quote:


President Xi Jinping laid out four principles which provide the fundamental guidance for seeking a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. On this basis, China and Brazil jointly issued six common understandings that include the three principles for deescalating the conflict, the three elements for peace talks and the three appeals on humanitarian protection. The common understandings also highlight the need to prevent nuclear risks and protect the stability of industrial and supply chains. The common understandings represent the broadest common ground of the international community and have been widely supported and endorsed.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 访问期间,欧尔班总理同中方就乌克兰危机等问题交换了意见,通报了近日访问乌克兰和俄罗斯的有关情况。中方对匈方为推动政治解决乌克兰危机所作的建设性努力表示赞赏。中方呼吁有关各方遵守局势降温的“三原则”,即战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火,为俄乌双方直接对话创造条件。中方将继续以自己的方式积极劝和促谈,为推动危机的政治解决发挥建设性作用。?

During his visit, Prime Minister Orbán exchanged views with China on issues including the Ukraine crisis and briefed the Chinese side on his recent trips to Ukraine and Russia. China commends Hungary for the constructive role it has played in finding a political solution to the Ukraine crisis. China calls on all relevant parties to observe three principles for deescalating the situation, namely no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no fanning up the flames by any party, and create conditions for direct dialogue between Russia and Ukraine. China will continue to promote peace talks in its own way and play a constructive role in pushing for the political settlement of the crisis.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 9, 2024)?

?? 7月8日上午,国家主席习近平在北京钓鱼台国宾馆会见匈牙利总理欧尔班。... 欧尔班总理通报了近日访问乌克兰和俄罗斯的有关情况。习近平主席赞赏欧尔班总理为推动政治解决乌克兰危机所作努力,阐述了中方有关看法主张。习近平主席强调,早日停火止战,寻求政治解决,符合各方利益。当前的重点是遵守“战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火”三原则,尽快推动局势降温。?

On the morning of July 8 [2024], President Xi Jinping met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. ... Prime Minister Orbán shared information about his recent visit to Ukraine and Russia. President Xi commended the Prime Minister for his effort to seek a political solution and shared China’s perspective and proposition on the issue. President Xi stressed that an early ceasefire and political settlement of the crisis is in the interest of all parties. The priority now is to observe the three principles of no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no provocation by any party, and to work for deescalation as quickly as possible.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 8, 2024)?

  • 四个应该? [sì gè yīng gāi]? four shoulds (proposed by Xi Jinping for resolving the Ukraine crisis: 第一,各国主权和领土完整都应该得到尊重; First, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected; 第二,各国合理安全关切都应该得到尊重; Second, the legitimate security concerns of all countries should be respected;? 第三,所有国际法,特别是联合国宪章,都应该得到尊重和遵守;Third, all international laws, especially the UN Charter, should be respected and observed; 第四,一切致力于和平的努力都应该受到鼓励Fourth, all efforts for peace should be encouraged.):?

Today’s quote:


President Xi Jinping laid out four principles which provide the fundamental guidance for seeking a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. On this basis, China and Brazil jointly issued six common understandings that include the three principles for deescalating the conflict, the three elements for peace talks and the three appeals on humanitarian protection. The common understandings also highlight the need to prevent nuclear risks and protect the stability of industrial and supply chains. The common understandings represent the broadest common ground of the international community and have been widely supported and endorsed.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 26日下午,习近平主席应约同乌克兰总统泽连斯基通电话。。。。 习近平主席指出,乌克兰危机复杂演变,对国际形势产生重大影响。在乌克兰危机问题上,中方始终站在和平一边,核心立场就是劝和促谈。习近平主席说,我相继提出了“四个应该”、“四个共同”和“三点思考”。?

On the afternoon of April 26 [2023], President Xi Jinping spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the phone at the invitation of the latter.? ... President Xi pointed out that the Ukraine crisis is evolving in complex ways with major impacts on the international landscape. On the Ukraine crisis, China always stands on the side of peace. Its core stance is to facilitate talks for peace. President Xi noted his proposals of four points about what must be done, four things the international community must do together and three observations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 27, 2023)?

?? 在乌克兰问题上,中方始终站在和平一边,始终坚持习近平主席提出的“四个应该”“四个共同”“三点思考”,秉持客观公正立场,积极劝和促谈。?

On the Ukraine issue, China always stands on the side of peace. We have followed the four principles, called for joint efforts in four areas and shared three observations on Ukraine as outlined by President Xi Jinping, taken an objective and just position, and worked actively to promote peace talks.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 22, 2023)?

?? 乌克兰危机爆发以来,习近平主席先后提出“四个应该”和“四个共同”,深刻指出冲突战争没有赢家、复杂问题没有简单解决办法、大国对抗必须避免,以自己的方式,为劝和促谈、缓解人道危机发挥建设性作用。?

Following the outbreak of the crisis [in Ukraine], President Xi Jinping put forward four points about what must be done and four things the international community must do together. He emphasized that conflicts and wars produce no winner, there is no simple solution to a complex issue, and confrontation between major countries must be avoided. China has been playing a constructive role in its own way to promote peace talks and help ease the humanitarian crises.? Wang_Yi_ Maintain a Global Vision, Forge Ahead with Greater Resolve and Write a New Chapter in Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics_2022_12_25?

?? 两国元首还就乌克兰危机等问题交换了意见。习近平指出,中方高度关切当前乌克兰局势。危机爆发后,我就提出了“四个应该”,前不久我又提出“四个共同”。?

The two presidents [Xi Jinping and Joe Biden] also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and other issues. President Xi pointed out that China is highly concerned about the current situation in Ukraine. He noted the four points about what must be done he had proposed soon after the outbreak of the crisis and the four things the international community must do together he had suggested recently.? President Xi Jinping Meets with?U.S. President Joe Biden in Bali_习近平同美国总统拜登在巴厘岛举行会晤_2022_11_14

  • 物流通道? [wù liú tōng dào]? logistics corridor:?

Today’s quote:

今天上午,王毅外长在广州同乌克兰外长库列巴举行会谈。 ... 中方将继续扩大自乌粮食进口,共同维护物流通道畅通和国际粮食安全。?

This morning [ July 24, 2024], Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Guangzhou. ... China will continue to increase food imports from Ukraine and work together to keep logistics corridors open and ensure global food security.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? ... 畅通物流通道服务发展。自贸试验区积极强化国际物流通达能力,创新推动物流、运输、通关便利,服务外向型经济发展。上海、安徽等自贸试验区联合开展“长三角海关特殊货物检查作业一体化改革”,跨境贸易通关时间大幅压缩。云南、四川、陕西、广西、湖南、重庆等自贸试验区与地方铁路局合作推进中老铁路多式联运“一单制”,促进国内国际物流畅通。?

... keeping the development of services for logistics channels unimpeded. The Pilot Free Trade Zones actively expand the reach of international logistics, innovatively facilitate logistics, transportation and customs clearance, and serves the development of export-oriented economy. Shanghai, Anhui and other Pilot Free Trade Zones jointly launched the "Integrated Reform of Special Goods Inspection in Yangtze River Delta Customs", and the time for cross-border trade clearance was significantly reduced. Yunnan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Hunan, Chongqing and other pilot free trade zones cooperate with local railway bureaus to promote the "single document system" of multimodal transport between China and Laos, and promote the smooth flow of domestic and international logistics.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_May 11, 2023)

  • 中国共产党二十届三? [zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng èr shí jiè sān]? 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (July 15-18, 2024 in Beijing, China):?


There has been a lot of global attention on the new blueprint for China’s reform and opening up adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC. The session sent a strong message to the world about China’s steadfast commitment to reform and opening up in the new era. The story of China’s development success tells us that reform and opening up has always been the key—it was reform and opening up that enabled China to catch up with the times with big strides, it was reform and opening up that brought China’s First Centenary Goal to fruition since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, and it is still reform and opening up that will break new ground in Chinese modernization and lead China to the Second Centenary Goal. The Resolution adopted at the plenary session put forward over 300 important reform measures, and made systemic plans on further deepening reform comprehensively and advancing Chinese modernization. We believe that their implementation will enhance various institutions and mechanisms, remove the obstacles, provide steady source of dynamism for Chinese modernization, and create more opportunities for China and the rest of the world to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and thrive and prosper together.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 24, 2024)

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