First RE/MAX COLLECTION Branded Office NOW RECRUITING in Riverside Graceville, Brisbane!

First RE/MAX COLLECTION Branded Office NOW RECRUITING in Riverside Graceville, Brisbane!


After another 6 years of success and building a formidable business in the western suburbs of Brisbane; Martin Hood and his wife Louise were offered the opportunity to rebrand their award winning office and become the very first premium branded ‘RE/MAX Collection’ office in Australia and New Zealand. Their professional manner, comprehensive industry knowledge, local area following and supportive and personalised natures continue to earn them both respect from there industry peers, fellow associates and the local community.

 Even with these accolades and continued award recognition, Martin still believes there is room for improvement. He personally makes time to liaise with some of the best real estate agents in the world, actively exchanging ideas and has made the commitment to forego a portion of his life in exchange for continued education to better serve his team, clients, family and friends.

 Martin and Louise have a strong belief in the community. The team at RE/MAX Riverside donate a percentage of each commission they receive from hundreds of homes sold every year to financially assist RE/MAX’s chosen charity ‘Make a Wish’ Foundation.

 Martin's enthusiasm and attitude toward the real estate industry are at a level that others can only aspire to. A passion for property, architecture and excellent people skills isn't the only reason Martin and his team have been so successful. They are devoted to providing a higher level of customer service that people are delighted with - rather than one in which intimidates and stresses those involved. Martin truly believes in growing the ability of each of his team members empowering each and every one of them to achieve and realise their goals. Mentoring them and being some part of their continued success is something he and Louise hold dear to their hearts. Martin loves the saying ‘If nothing changes nothing changes’ always believing that we all need to continue to grow. The ability to constantly evolve also with ever-changing trends in the market place will see the RE/MAX Riverside team pave the way for others to follow in years to come.

RE/MAX Riverside offers MAXIMUM COMMISSION LEVELS and is NOW RECRUITING! Please contact Martin direct by either mobile 0411 220 736 or email [email protected] for a discreet discussion about the limited opportunity to join this fabulous office.


