The First real app i did it alone
MyRecipe web App

The First real app i did it alone


MyRecipe helps anyone who want to find a recipe or has any confusion about what to eat or when you want to make a recipe in a new way or with the ingredients available to you. I wanted to focus on 2 things: creating an experience that would be both web and mobile-friendly, and also sourcing a reliable and sophisticated API.

?I didn’t have any idea about what the project that i interested in building an application for, but I asked my peers for ideas, and I got an idea that I was interested in building an application for it, because it helps people by getting rid of the confusion in choosing a recipe. I had decided to work with APIs, so I asked ChatGPT to give me the best food APIs and I chose spoonacular API. I started to read spoonacular API documentation to learn how to use it for MyRecipe app and I determined what are the use cases, technologies to be used. I constructed simple architecture and made a timeline in trello.


MyRecipe architecture(the hidden rectangle is the MyRecipe UI)


The application is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, relying on these foundational web technologies to create a responsive and interactive user interface. The application does not use any specific frontend frameworks and uses native JavaScript fetch API for communication with the Spoonacular API.

Main features

  1. Search: the ability to search for a recipe by entering the name of it or ingredients separated by comma.
  2. Filter: the ability to filter recipes by choosing meal Types when you search for recipes.
  3. Show recipe details: by clicking the view button to see the recipe details.


One of the most challenging technical hurdles I faced was handling API rate limiting while working on a recipe application that utilized the Spoonacular API. The situation was that Spoonacular's API had strict rate limits for free-tier usage, and exceeding these limits could disrupt the functionality of the application. My task was to ensure that the application remained functional within these constraints, while still providing a seamless experience for the users.

To tackle this challenge, I first analyzed the API documentation to understand the rate limits and how they were enforced. This provided me with a clear picture of what I needed to work with. Then, I devised an action plan to implement strategies to optimize the usage of the API and prevent exceeding the rate limits.

One of the key actions I took was implementing response caching. By storing API responses locally, I reduced the need to make repetitive requests for the same data. I set up a cache system that checked if a requested resource was already available locally before making a new API call. This significantly reduced the number of requests sent to the Spoonacular API, helping to stay within the rate limits.

Additionally, I optimized the request strategy by batching multiple related requests into a single call whenever possible. This reduced the overall number of requests made by the application without sacrificing the user experience.

As a result of these actions, the application successfully managed to handle the Spoonacular API's rate limiting without exceeding the free-tier usage limits as possible i can. Users could enjoy uninterrupted access to recipe data while staying within the constraints of the API's rate limits, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience.

Navigating the complexities of API rate limiting with the Spoonacular API presented an intricate puzzle, blending technical acuity with strategic foresight. This experience, fraught with challenges and rich with learning, became a pivotal moment in my development as a software engineer, reshaping my approach to problem-solving and influencing my future engineering endeavors.

Technical Takeaways

One of the most profound technical takeaways from this project was the importance and efficacy of caching mechanisms. Prior to this, my appreciation for caching was theoretical at best. This challenge thrust the value of caching into the limelight, showcasing its potential to not only alleviate the load on external services but also to enhance the user experience by reducing wait times for frequently requested data.

Moreover, the strategy of batching requests illuminated the significance of efficient API consumption. This approach underscored the delicate balance between optimizing network calls and maintaining the freshness of data presented to the users. It was a vivid demonstration of the adage that not all optimizations are about code efficiency some are about strategically navigating limitations to deliver seamless user experiences.

Reflections on Practices and Beliefs

Before this project, my engineering practices heavily leaned towards a "make it work" philosophy, often at the expense of forward-thinking or scalability considerations. This experience, however, cemented a pivotal shift towards a more holistic approach, incorporating long-term sustainability and efficiency from the onset. It was a lesson in the importance of planning, research, and the implementation of scalable solutions to preemptively address potential challenges.

Furthermore, this project served to confirm my belief in the power of community and collaboration. Reaching out to peers and utilizing forums not only expedited the troubleshooting process but also enriched my understanding and approach to problem-solving. It underscored the notion that while engineering can often feel like a solitary pursuit, the collective wisdom and experience of the community are invaluable resources.

Personal Growth and Future Directions

Through this project, I discovered a resilience and adaptability within myself that I hadn't recognized before. The tight constraints and the looming possibility of failure forced me to think creatively, persist through setbacks, and remain flexible in my approach. This resilience, coupled with a newfound appreciation for thorough planning and optimization, has become integral to my identity as an engineer.

Looking ahead, the lessons learned from this project have significantly influenced my engineering path. They have instilled a deep appreciation for the intricacies of API design and management, sparking a keen interest in exploring backend development further. This experience has made me more conscientious of the impacts of my decisions on the end user's experience, guiding me towards a user-centric approach in future projects.

Concluding Thoughts

In reflecting on this journey, I've come to appreciate that challenges such as these are not just obstacles but opportunities for growth, learning, and improvement. This project did more than just expand my technical skills; it reshaped my approach to software engineering; from the way I tackle problems to how I foresee their impact on the broader ecosystem. It reinforced the idea that being a successful engineer is not just about solving problems—it's about foreseeing them, planning for them, and, when possible, turning them into opportunities for innovation and improvement.

I am passionate about programming and want to be ready to work in the software engineering industry.

GitHub link for the project: MyRecipe repo

Deployed project link: MyRecipe?

Link to the project’s landing page: Landing Page

LinkedIn: Ahmed Ehab


