The first photograph
This photo is an enlargement of the one we showed yesterday. Although there were some blurry attempts prior to 1838 this picture by Daguerre is widely recognized as the first true photographic image together with his portrait of Mr. Huet. We see a crowded street of Paris in 1838. The exposure time was so long that all the carriages and people disappeared on the photo. Only one man who stood still long enough remains. Why ? He had is shoes polished. Back tomorrow.
The first time you join us?
Staying at home due to Corona? What is the story behind this picture? Each weekday I will make a personal chronological selection of a historical photograph telling you the (his)story behind the picture. Share this with your family or kids to discuss. Maybe you can first show the picture and tell the date. Then, have them guess about the picture. Hope you enjoy this brief moment in difficult times. If yes, spread the word.