First Opinion Matters and not First Impression!!!
Dhaval Jain
Creative Marketer Transforming Data into Strategic Insights| Unilever| Engaging Audiences Across Multiple Platforms| Up-and-Coming Author|
In the times of the yore, one of the primary management funda was ‘The first impression is always the last impression”.
But turn of the millennial this concept stand to be challenged. The 21st Century has promptly turned the above “impressionable” philosophy around to give it a paradigm shift.
In today’s digital world it is your opinion, your voice that thinks that matters; Impressions can change; Opinions stick forever.
But, what is this first impression?
When you meet someone for the first time, mind takes Nano seconds to size and judge the person. Just like a photocopier machine an image gets created in one’s mind. I would say, it is 80% of the physical projection that is the outer look and 20% is whatever else follows. That ‘whatever else’ is the initial few verbal communication. The first impression is just an endorsement of the mental ‘first-impression’ we have of that person.
But impression is time bounded. What about ‘First Opinion’?
Now, what is it we mean by ‘First Opinion’?
We create an opinion of anyone by the first few interactions we have with him. Opinions are created on the basis when impression is generated by giving equal weightage to the physical appearance and emotional quotient (Logical+Analytical+creative) by the individual. So when somebody makes an opinion about you, it solely what you have given to them and not blind judgmental
Be your own Image Consultant:
Until recently, only celebrities focused on Image Building exercise. But in these virtual times lot more people have become aware of it.
Building an image is about how you are able to actively manage and project your persona which helps to generate a good rock solid opinion. Basically, it is all in your hands what opinion you to create about self. Unfortunately majority of Gen-Pop aint bother about it as they perceived “isse kya faraq padta hai” (How does it matter) or best excuse you will hear “Accept me way im”
Labor lost:
In the digital world, the first impression is already drawn up before meeting that person. We know lot him/her through the virtual medium. Therefore when we want to impress, we wear our best smile, switch on an awesome body language and dress to kill to create a mind blowing first impression. We put on our best behavior and act according to how people expect us to act, which is not true.
In spite of all the trouble you undergo with looks etc., there is no guarantee that you will be liked, loved and respected.
Is there?
While the first impression is definitely a stepping stone to a good rapport, what will tick is your attitude, your opinion and your viewpoints.
Impression changes; Opinions are long lasting.
Human tend to be biased by nature.
Once they form a viewpoint, they are convinced that they are right. For eg: Selecting that job offer or selecting life partner is classic example for this.
Yet the journey from the first impression to the first opinion is extremely crucial.
How to create a great first opinion about yourself?
Well, there can’t be perfect formula for this, but my thought process would be as follow:
> Body Language: Time and again it has been proven that Body Language plays a pivotal role to overall success. Have you ever noticed a confident swag in a fighter pilot? Developing a good and confident amble is very important. It makes a big difference.
> What’s your Signature: You create your signature! Yes, consciously or unconsciously every time you interact be at your office or in a social or corporate gathering, you persona will be distinct. This is where your pheromones play an important role.
> Style code: Oh yes, we have heard that a zillion times, that clothes don’t matter, your talent will shine and simplicity is best trend and all that gibberish. Yet the trending examples such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and other achievers seem to have got it bang on. Their dress code is elegance and style. Not just one time, but every time. Indeed it’s there signature style statement and loosely selection of clothes
> CV: No no.. I am not referring to curriculum vitae! Here I am indicating at your ‘Conversation Value’ that you bring to the table. Call it the ‘Art of storytelling’, your gift of the gab will take you places and will create a great opinion for you.
>Online Image: The impactful tagline by German Car Maker – Mercedes Benz “The Best or Nothing” it a powerful statement about its quality and world class product.
Similarly we need to be extremely cognizant with our online impression. Post your best (Best like Benz) or nothing.
Have your opinion strategy in place for ever lasting impression.
Create a best image about yourself on a regular basis.
Be your own image consultant!
World is your Customer, Are you ready with amazing serving with delightful experience to your customer?
Yes you are! Stay Inspired! Stay Opinionated.
Nandini Kumar Fashion Agency
6 年Hey Dhaval Hey Dhaval Once again u put ur point across well. I have a differnt take on certain points. It takes 30 secs to make First Impression and get judged . yeah its true it doesnt last, as it is a packaging. Its like, if you dont have good pacakaging ,u wont further wil be intrested to know the product. So,till certain extent it does matter. First Opinion…it does takes time to understand .certainly it gives a long lasting effect. According to me one can not fake it for long. If one is true to themselves they dont need to make an act of impressing someone. So to build a strong image one must work internally before doing the outer change. Honesty and comapassion is the biggest image building assest one has . Wear your style …be original ,be compassaionate ,be honest and you are on the go ….u can look amazing even in the simplest of the thing and can carry off anything beautifully and makes it ur signature style. So, image building is a complete package of outer and inner dressing to create an impactful ,long lasting impression. cheers