As I stand with our people at the Vancouver Art Gallery it is evident that many settlers feel so appalled with our governments and churches they once believed were doing good to discover behind closed doors they gave orders to abuse & murder children.

There is much that people of the masses put up with though to every woman who has bared a child and father who loves their children this is unacceptable truths being revealed!!!!! When I share, I ask people not to pity us rather stand with us in support of change. Understand why that person on the street is hunched over simply wanting to numb the pain. What a difference I am seeing just in Vancouver of the reaction to our people from most. This change is long overdue.

Many of you here in my Linkedin know me from when years ago when I worked as our First Nation Foundation Funding Specialist and many Chiefs, council members would share with me their pain. Many of you called me into the night often and I did my best to be alert in the wee hours to be your witness. I reopened Leasing dollars with D.L.C. and coached many of those then in council on how to start businesses from the bands... That foundation funding was available to us as First Nation versus in the past those funds were only allocated to charities.

I started this petition because I saw back then that many leaders wouldn't share the pain their community was undergoing with other bandleaders due to pride. Today I am speaking out to each of you that its time change occurs.

This land that belongs to ALL First Nation we have never been paid "REVENUES" on. Instead, we've been breadcrumbed to beg and prove for every penny we need for our communities. We DO NOT NEED "FUNDING". What we have a right to and will achieve is "ONGOING REVENUE FROM OUR LAND" That "land" meaning ALL of what is known as Canada. It's time to change the word "funding into REVENUE"!

Take a moment without pseudo reading and understand what 20% taxes applied of ALL properties sold [each time they are sold] will amount to. In addition 20% of yearly property tax! To divide this evenly with each and every band, not by counts of members by actual even %'s to each band. Each band office to withhold 10% for administration to run programs and pay staff and every and I mean every cent accountable and put online for transparency. All other funds to be equally distributed to EACH BLOOD First Nation of that band via auto-deposit to a bank account. The need will stop immediately and the can do will begin and opportunities our people have missed out on all these years!

Our children SHOULD NOT have to be begging for funds from the bands or from the government to go to school especially after what they have done to our relations in past. By each person having their own revenue, their own bank account from the time they are born from the land of their ancestors will provide them equal opportunities. This will provide for our children long after we are no longer here and generations to come. STOP GIVING AWAY OUR REVENUES AND SIGNING AWAY OUR LAND TO THE THIEVES! They are stealing our revenues!

Open your minds to what can be. The issues have been identified and our pain realized around the world and it is now time to create solutions for our present and future generations and ensure they never have to beg for DOLLARS again. That we abolish the STATUS CARD from government and create our own re: our own recognition process. We all know where we come from!

Presently our people living off band land receive little assistance and why is that? Whether we live on band land or not, makes no difference to our pain and what is rightfully ours. ALL OUR PEOPLE deserve REVENUES from our Land!

END THIS ARCHAIC CAVING INTO RESOLUTIONS THAT MEAN GIVING UP OUR LAND or signing our rights away. This is our land and we all require our LEADERS to now truly Lead with accountability to creating solutions that are realistic and ongoing NOT deadending us by being convinces to sign our land away. No we need to keep the rights and obtain revenue %'s from it. MOVE AWAY FROM THE WORD FUNDING AND START OBTAINING ONGOING REVENUES for ALL our people.

When I worked in Corrections so many of our people could not obtain their First Nation Cards. Who is this government to deny whom we know we are? TIME FOR CHANGES.

By creating revenues from our land will provide this. My adopted son was sharing that on ALL our land entitlement to a % of revenues from the companies who are mining or other versus what is going on now. What is being mined from on or under our territories is NOT THE QUEENS it is in FACT ours! Time for sustainable changes that benefit all our people.

People now see that the Canadian Government and particular Religious leaders made the decisions and approved to simply throw our live newborn babies in furnaces, sell our relations for 10.00 to be slaves, beat and rape, and torment them. Imagine them making our own little children dig holes to fill them back up again and the chilldren not realizing they were burying their own relations in those holes as it was dark!

This was ALL done to STEAL OUR LAND! RESTITUTION will OCCUR and the world is now supporting restitution become a reality. Our government has made every homeowner a criminal by selling them stolen land, they are all in possession of the stolen property and the majority are sick to their stomach knowing this. Will we kick them out of their homes like the Canadian government did to our people? No! Though with their support and petitions like below the solutions are coming. Get ready for changes Canada the world is our witness to each Canadian's accountability from here.

Sitting still not promoting solutions means you like either abusing our people or being abused.

Put your signature where your accountability lays today: Just click the link below and let us know you support the change from CRUMB FUNDING to REVENUES from the land that is rightfully ours.


CHANGE IS REQUIRED! NO MORE FUNDING we as First Nation require ON GOING REVENUES from our land for ALL our generations. Not for funding to be lost within organizations or a few.

#firstnations #indigneous #indigenouspeoples #parents #family #stolengenerations #stolenland #everyone #settlers #revenue #petition #accountability


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