The first #MondayMix of 2018.
Rachel Iles
Exploring learning across sectors. I help organisations and individuals identify opportunities for learning with, and from each other.
On the #firstdayatschool of the staffroom held a welcoming smell of coffee, freshly baked croissants and a beautiful selection of fruit & muesli. Way before @BSNJSL staff arrived, our wonderful Concierge Team opened up the building and prepared a now traditional INSET breakfast, which is part of an embedded culture of ‘meetings always go better with food’.
Before beginning a day of administration and CPL, when our educator hats are tilted towards the term ahead, taking time to meet and catch-up on holiday news, checking-in with each other as people, is very important.
At the outset of a new term, and a new year it is helpful to revisit selected core themes which highlight some ‘points for development’ originating in school improvements from Term 1. Naturally, each school will differ in the key initiatives which underpin teaching and learning.
The first #MondayMix of 2018 was a productive combination of: continue reading ...