First Letter to the Citizens of the World

First Letter to the Citizens of the World

Dear Citizens of the Earth World – individuals, families, members of state and national government, members of social relationships, families, fathers and mothers of individuals (children and adults) and international societies, NGOs and international justice and community representation orders multinational of the peoples of the Earth, members of all UN agencies. religious leaders of the culture of peace...

I address you as a Citizen of the World. A human person, family member, state, parents and human, national, international, planetary and universal relationships. Therefore, I do not speak here for any government, power, gender, economy, strength or identity of market, work and competition.

I speak to you as a man born of the father of Heaven and Earth through the mother - holy spirit of love, welcome and development -, citizen of this world / planet in the universe.

E. As a citizen of Earth I present to you with this letter, the alert of the nuclear scientific culture. I then express some remarks and an appeal to you - the citizens and representatives of the citizens of the world in all cultural spheres: political, religious, economic, philosophical, scientific and governmental. Please read the carefully and if you see reason and clarity in the appeal that II address to you at the end of the letter, I ask you to join the group that we created today on Telegram and sign this Letter as aundersigned:

Gentlemen, Ladies and Child Citizens of the World.

We – I and/or You – citizens of the world (as it is written in the UN Charter), are on the edge of the precipice. On the verge of the repercussions of a third world war and an arms race of a nuclear nature and end.

We are living in a state of violence and real possibility of mass destruction of planetary life, based on the use or threat of use and impacts or accidents of a nuclear weapons complex installed and moved on the planet and in interplanetary space by two matrices:

1. The strength of the competition of the winning powers of the Second World War and

2. The strength and freedom of the market from fear, exploitation, insecurity, fragmentation of spiritual and moral values and high promotion of the desire for power and human consumption over the relations of law, order and property. The relationships of subordination and world domination of the goods of lives, services and human values by the financial industrial economy of market and competition.

And, in this state of violence and the real possibility of mass destruction of planetary life, whether by bilateral military initiative or by multilateral economic pressure in favor of a new arms race of official, unofficial or terrorist competitive agents, there is no distinction of race, culture, color, poverty, wealth, civil and military societies, women, children or youth, animal, plant, mineral, aquatic and atmospheric life. Because that's what mass destruction is: destruction of everything and everyone. .

In the opinion of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, delivered at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, this is the fact:

We are within 1 minute from midnight on the Doomsday Clock or “ from the apocalyptic action . And if we do nothing today, it will be too late for our children to do anything in the future.” He thought he was referring only to climate change and not to the repeating nuclear-scale pattern of human warfare behavior. But it was not heard and the clock ticks,

What clock is that referred to by the Minister? What does this “one minute of midnight” on the clock mean?


This watch was created in 1947 by Albert Einstein and University of Chicago scientists who helped develop the first atomic weapons in the Manhattan Project.

Basically, it is a mechanism for observing risks and evaluating actions to reduce the risks of the use of nuclear energy and atmospheric changes related or not to its implantation, use, threat of use or unpredictable effects of release by random accidents, as has sometimes happens, in different places...

The Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, BPA, at the University of Chicago, keeps time on this clock according to an assessment of the risk of war or global environmental catastrophe.

This evaluation has been carried out twice a year to define how much time is left to the?for the symbolic “midnight”. The moment of fatal firing of a nuclear electro-atmospheric flame that brings in its impact and circulation in the world an effect of global death or destruction of everything that was done until its activation. In practice, a scenario of environmental catastrophe of death, disease, chaos, violence or damage of all kinds, originating from nuclear sources installed on the planet.

In an independent work of governments and economic forces, the scientists and advisors of the committee have made about 24 assessments since 1947 – I believe that with the expectation of favoring the work of the UN and the national and international world security in relation to the nuclear issue.

However, science has also been ignored in its manifestos on this subject by the dominant, anonymous world economic power. The power that influences the normative structures of society and justice until this moment, according to the interests of the market and competition – you can considering as proof the billions in armaments destined for conflicts and the little investment in real diplomatic efforts.

Being one minute from midnight means being on the verge of this global collective death in the short, medium and long term and having to reverse this process:

The process of the cultural vice of war and military and economic domination that the citizens of the world intend to reverse by establishing permanent peace and universal justice.

This cultural addiction to war and domination has existed for millennia from the relationship of couples and families to the current relationships of nations. To paraphrase Juan Pablo Laporte – political scientist and Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires – the politics and decision-making systems of nations are caught in a game of life and death to be transformed by a common alliance on peace, security and sustainable development.

In the present day, a game between these elements: the rule of two men of high power (USA/Russia) and limited time in power; western culture; oriental culture and industrial economic culture. All basically focused on one goal:

The dominance of the market, of competition and government in the world, military or civil, and the cultural submission of both parties to salvation and threats of punishment or the costs of death, survival. and peace..

In this letter I consider the last assessments of this nuclear science committee made in 2022.

So I present to you citizens of the world a summary of the latest Bulletin of the Science and Safety Council of Atomic Scientists, made in consultation with its Board of Sponsors, which includes 11 Nobel Peace Prize winners and released in January 2022 (Editor, John Mecklin). I then present to you my observations and final appeal.

The Bulletin

The council issues its final warning saying:

1. That “Leaders around the world must immediately commit to renewed cooperation in the many ways and places available to reduce existential risk”...

2. That, “the citizens of the world can and must organize to demand that their leaders do that reduction —and quickly... That “The door of perdition is no place to wander”.

3. And, in conclusion, that “without quick and focused action, truly catastrophic events – events that could end civilization as we know it – are more likely. When the clock strikes 100 seconds to midnight, we are all threatened. The moment is dangerous and unsustainable, and the time to act is now.”

And, within this perspective, the committee issues as necessary some measures to protect humanity from the main scenarios and global threats they described. Among the proposed measures, I highlight three as special for this exact moment:

· President Biden must eliminate the US president's exclusive authority to launch nuclear weapons and work to persuade other nuclear-armed countries to put up similar barriers (which, in my view, will only be possible with a reconfiguration of the Security Council as a military cultural unit, involving of its diferents?representatives parts).

· Russia must rejoin the NATO-Russia Council and collaborate on risk reduction and escalation prevention measures (which leads to a reconfiguration of the sanctions system)

· National leaders and international organizations must devise more effective regimes to monitor biological research and development efforts (which means defining foundations of security and trust in the educational and socialization complex of actors).

My Observatitions on Boletim

Within this context, these are my observations on what the content of the Bulletin makes clear to me as a citizen of the world:

1. That the United States, United Kingdom, France, China. Russia, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran, Western culture, Eastern culture and dominant economic culture, are in a new competition of arms and power that poses real immediate and future risk - although their two greatest powers of the moment speak of initiating two groups of dialogues on how best to maintain “nuclear stability” (??) in the future (after a catastrophe?): the Working Group on Principles and Objectives for Future Arms Control (which is well recorded in the treaties orchestrated and issued by the UN, such as NPT and NPT) and the Working Group on Capabilities and Actions with Strategic Effects (?).

2. That the countries of the planet are under pressure to significantly strengthen their destruction capabilities in face-to-face or distance wars and conflicts in all areas - including the area of cybernetic control and communication, plus this: the area of human socialization in relation to the global market for competition and war games..

3. That developed countries have not complied with and ignore what does not interest them in bilateral treaty commitments or multilateral treaties with the UN - especially the treaties on nuclear and chemical weapons, the Charter and voice of the organization as a representative entity of world citizenship and not of the interests of its relevant national powers and members; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights (concerning Citizenship and Freedom of Expression and Thought) of Children (situations not specified in the Bulletin) .

my appeal

Considering these facts, I address to the citizens of the world a simple and direct appeal:

Will we, the citizens of the world, organize to peacefully and legally demand that religious, political and governmental, military, economic and civilian leaders reduce existential risk quickly?

The recruitment of people, authorities, NGOs, projects, actions and relationships on peace and well-being or love and solidarity is sufficiently advanced in an international and universal dimension - in number, reason and experience of life and rights. It's time to organize. Are we really going to organize? If so, where can and should we start? We are not and do not want to be the power. But we are the emerging force for a state of peace, unity and world governance among the existing powers.

If you agree to organize, I propose to talk about it with you in the next Letter. Just answer me if you want to organize yourself. Yes or No.

To those who choose to organize themselves in unity and direction of peace, I ask you to be part of this group on Telegram and sign this Letter as a undersigned: ?

Thank you all for your attention. With love, peace and light

Divine Roberto Verissimo


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