First, learn the anatomy and physiology of your innovation ecosystem
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook, friction fixer
Innovation ecosystems have elements that are arranged and connected to achieve innovation and user defined value. The innovation ecosystem comprises two distinct, but largely separated economies, the knowledge economy, which is driven by fundamental research, and the commercial economy, which is driven by the marketplace.
As a biomedical or clinical entrepreneur, one major challenge is to find your place in the relevant ecosystem that applies to your product or service. Biomedical products include biopharma, medtech, in vitro diagnostics, vaccines and biologic products e.g. stem cells, while clinical innovative products are designed to deliver care at lower costs, improve outcomes and population health, and enhance the patient, MD-provider and non-MD provider experience (the quadruple aim). Policy innovation is geared towards making rules and regulations that make the health system more efficient and effective. Digital health products and services i.e. the use of information and communications technologies in sick care and disease prevention and wellness, due to its convergent nature, can span biomedical, clinical and policy innovation.
For example, digital health clusters and how they are measured are different from med tech and biopharma ones. Understanding their anatomy and physiology takes some work. There is usually no Grant's Atlas and, unlike human anatomy, the pieces and their interrelationships constantly change. Here's where to look when you start putting together an ecosystem asset map:
1. Research and development facilities like industries, government labs and universities
2. Educational institutions areas of expertise
3. Clinical enterprises
4. Industry specific firms
5. Investor and financial institutions
6. Economic development agencies
7. Community based collaborative innovation networks
8. Consulates, embassies and other international trade resources
9. Service providers
10. Government agencies
Be sure to understand not just where information flows and how, but the central nervous stem that coordinates the impulses and the endocrine system that connects one system to the next. Understand information rheology to identify and overcome the blockages of a signal to a receptor.
Plants and animals have cells that are organized into tissues that aggregate in organs that have unique functions that are coordinated and maintained by intricate control systems to keep them functioning within narrow parameters. Innovation ecosystems are equally complex. Be sure you don't cut the basic science classes before trying to see patients at the bedside.
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Facebook