I am not a fun of the geopolitics of the West and the East, even though, when it comes to Economic orientation, I am closer to the West. But l want to talk about Mr. Putin's generosity to lslam on the assumption that the message in the attached flyer that he has built 3000 mosques in Russia is true.
I am not an lslamic Scholar and after JSS in 1991, l have not studied lslam save for reading the Qur’an, listening to Sermons and social media learning.
The little knowledge I know about lslam regarding rewards for good deeds on Judgement Day for those who believe in it, is that everyone will be judged based on the religious jurisprudence/laws that existed during the time of their prophet. You cannot be judged on the Laws of Moses when you existed at the time of Jesus. Same with people who are living at the time of Mohammed will not be judged by the Laws of Jesus.
That is the fundamental principle of religion. Anytime God sends down a new prophet, the Laws of the previous prophet are either built on or become ineffective.
But when people refuse to accept that principle, it creates religious distortions and confusion. The reason we still have Judaism (Moses), Christianity (Jesus) and Islam existing at the time of Mohammed (SAW).
According to the Laws brought by Mohammed (SAW), there are 5 pillars of lslam. There are:
1. Bearing witness that there is no being or creature worthy of being worshiped except Allah (God).
2. Establishment of the five daily prayers
3. Zakat (charity)
4. Fasting (in the month of Ramadan)
5. Going for Pilgrimage in Mecca.
Anybody who doesn’t establish the first two will have no case with God on the Judgement Day. Their faith is determined right from death as to where they are going. The last three pillars are based on luck as they are not compulsory except if you can afford them without endangering your health or running into debt.
If you are not healthy, you are exempt from fasting. If you don’t have money, you cannot feed the poor to replace your fast or engage in charity work or go to Mecca for the pilgrimage.
However, any good deed done on this earth without establishing the first two pillars of lslam will be rewarded on this earth and will not count on the day of judgement. The reward could come by way of long life, good health, prosperity in wealth and children and in many other forms but will not count as rewards on the Day of Judgment.
Islam is a simple and just religion. Whatever good you do as in building mosques, hospitals, schools, planting trees that benefit mankind, you get a commission of the reward when someone uses it even after your death, provided you have established the first two pillars of lslam. Otherwise, the rewards stop after your death. Same way you get a commission of sin if you establish or start a sinful act or infrastructure use for committing sins. For instance, if you break the virginity of a lady, until she marries her legal husband, you get a commission of the sin she commits by sleeping with any other man.
In conclusion, the reward for building the 3000 mosques will remain on this earth if Mr. Putin does not die as a Muslim. This will be an incredible injustice to himself. Even though we are told in the Qur’an that it is only God who chooses who becomes a Muslim, l do hope and pray that the wife who is said to be a Muslim will convince him to embrace Islam in the future so that he can accrue the full benefit of his incredible generosity to Islam.
Yaa Allah! I pray that you bless us in the same manner to build more mosques and do a lot better for mankind than he has done for Russia.
Assallamu Allaikum!