First instruction in CPU
Introduction :
Continue from the last article, I strongly believe that you have gain confidence on "What is CPU and its purpose in System?"
Now in this article we will focus on how CPU executes its first instruction. I hope that this new lens of observing the system will boost you to explore further by your self – That’s the purpose and job of the teachers to spark the curiosity in students mind in a way that they can explore and learn by themselves
Tips to learn System Architecture :
As a beginner, most people bind their self to the names used and not the functionality so my request to those : Never ever attach your self strongly on the naming convention. For example. When I say, "Program counter" then I wants you to focus on the functionality it provides because tomorrow's architecture can call it a "Next Instruction" so I don't wants you to get confuse between "Program counter" and "Next Instruction". When you explore different CPU architecture or technologies then you will realize the benefits of this.
First instruction : CPU
Audience engagement :
Yes I hear you! You're screaming about a lot of things as I have introduce vocabulary of different universe here. Relax and breath! because I'm here to resolve your doubts bit by bit as time permits. So your job is to inform your doubts and next topic for article that you wants to learn in comments section. I definitely try to resolve it as far as its in my radius.
Story - "The Magic Penni" :
Which one you choose? (1) Penny which doubles every single day for 31 days or (2) 3M$ - minion dolor - on day 1. It is "Hard to believe" that choosing a penny will make more money at the end because it takes so much longer to see the payoff.
Consistency over time is important factor!!
At last, I'm so grateful to see over whelming support and excitement about this journey of learning "System Architecture". Thanks to you all to make it possible - without readers like you this text is nothing more than a "digital garbage"
Happy Learning!
See you in the next article!