First home buyer success | Property now worth $10trn | Govt fuel efficiency plan
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First home buyer success | Property now worth $10trn | Govt fuel efficiency plan

If you are new to BIR Finance, we have a monthly newsletter on property and finance - with some insights not everyone gets to see.

Set out below is the article on First home buyer success. In our full, unabridged newsletter, you can also see the following articles:

  • Property now worth $10trn
  • Govt fuel efficiency plan
  • Economy remains positive

To see our full newsletter, please click this link: BIR Finance. (and if you want to subscribe to our newsletter, click this link: Contact Us)

But first some updates to whet your appetite!!

Investors, it's getting hotter!

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity covering over 30 regions throughout Australia. The quality of research and depth of information in these reports are unmatched. Be sure to thoroughly examine these reports before you make your next property investment choice.


Your most significant expense with your next property acquisition is the potential cost if you select the wrong property.

If your annual return is 2% to 3% lower than it could have been, you can accumulate substantial financial losses over a span of 5 to 10 years. For instance, a 2% annual return disparity (5% versus 7%) on a $500K property acquisition translates to a capital gain gap of $63K over 5 years and $179K over 10 years.

Your solution? Use a great property investment advisor. We can put you in touch with a few we have dealt with and who put in the hard yards to give you well-researched options which are suitable for you.

Some great property investment advisors!

Below are the recent updates from the Regional Property Reports for the past three months:

Access your Regional Property Reports!

Our latest survey results are in!

Our question this month was: How often do you paint your house inside?

Some observations:

- Painters say Inside: every 5 to 10 years and Outside: every 5 years.

- When we moved into our current home, we got in the painters before we moved in, allowing us to kick off with a lovely clean interior. It was such a great decision (my wife takes the credit for that one - 100%).

- We now need a touch-up / repaint as after 15 years (can you believe it??? 15 years!) the cracks are appearing. It's time to get cracking on that repaint!

- My Dad was one of those Sydney Harbour Bridge painters. He'd start at one end then finish off (inside and out, all sanded back with undercoats - no short cuts!) before having a few years off; and then he would start all over again. Shift work at the ABC does that to you I guess.

- And if you need a good painter (not el cheapo but they claim to use the best paints which are easy to clean and long-lasting), let me know as I can make an introduction for you.

Connect me with a great painter!

A recent study conducted on behalf of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) reveals that the federal government's Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS) has been instrumental in assisting first-time home buyers in acquiring high-quality homes with minimal initial deposits.

According to the findings, eligible first-time home buyers participating in the HGS program have the opportunity to enter the housing market with a mere 5% deposit. Over the period spanning from January 2020 to May 2023, the average deposit made by HGS participants increased by a modest 3.4%, rising from $35,200 to $36,400. In contrast, the broader first-time home buyer demographic experienced a substantial 46.7% surge in average deposits, soaring from $108,400 to $159,000 during the same period.

Furthermore, the research indicates that the average loan amount for first-time home buyers benefiting from the HGS program exhibited a moderate uptick of 4.7%. In contrast, the broader first-time home buyer market recorded a more significant increase of 13.4% in average loan amounts during the specified timeframe.

“Analysis suggests that on average, HGS participants continue to see the equity in their home grow broadly in line with long run price increases, despite the broader market declines last year. The average equity gain per HGS guarantee is estimated to be around $82,000,” according to the research.”

The HGS is a very helpful program, but not all first home buyers are eligible. I can tell you whether you qualify for the program and help you apply for a loan.

Get in touch if you need FHO guidance!

And one last thing!

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." ― Theodore Roosevelt.


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