First French Stampede Themed Music Video, with a cast of 100 launched!
Alberta’s History Wrangler, Host of The History Wrangler Show.
Rob Lennard, BA, ACM, VRM, 2019 City of Calgary Heritage Award Recipient, Historian & Director of Education & Outreach at the Bow Valley Ranche, Award winning Author/Producer of The History Wrangler TV Show
Howdy, here's the first French Stampede Themed Music Video filmed at the Legendary Ranchman's Cookhouse & Dance Hall. It features a cast of over 100, including indigenous dancers, Trick Ropers, Legendary Olympic athlete and many more! Enjoy!!
Je suis ravi de partager la toute première chanson francaise du Stampede de Calgary et un vidéoclip avec plus de 100 personnes!
Profitez et s'il vous pla?t partager!