First EU Quantum Computer With Polish Company

First EU Quantum Computer With Polish Company

In 2022 the European Commission selected international consortium including Polish company Creotech Instruments S.A. the European Union’s first 100-qubit quantum computer by 2025 and to attain technological readiness to construct 1000-qubit solution by 2029. Grzegorz Brona , Creotech Instruments CEO: “What makes us feel particularly honored is that this is the first contract in the field of quantum computing of this magnitude in EU history.”

The project will operate with a budget of EUR 18 to 20 million. By 2030 the value of global market of quantum computers is expected to reach USD 10 to 30 billion (in 2021 it was USD 427 million).

Creotech Instruments is young but highly successful company from a Polish town Piaseczno near Warsaw. In October 2021 it debuted on Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) non-regulated market NewConnect and on 18 July 2022 on its Main Floor.

EU computer is not its first quantum technology project. Since 2019 it has been participating in creation of advanced hardware system to control qubits Sinara in cooperation with leading research groups, i.a. 英国牛津大学 .

It is also one of leaders of the Polish space technology. In April 2022 it completed the first phase of PIAST project to place defence observations satellites in orbit in 2024. It also pursues the project of construction strategic Polish satellite EagleEye to be placed at the turn of 2023 and 2024.?

Marek Gizmajer | LinkedIn



