The First Edition Of AgriBusiness East Africa
Welcome to Agribusiness East Africa It’s time for the first edition of our weekly newsletter, where we bring you the Top weekly latest news, updates and opportunities about Tanzania’s and the Neighbouring countries Agriculture Sector particularly in Agri Business and Agri-Tech.
This Newsletter is Brought to you by KilimoAfrika from Agri-Hub Tanzania Organisation.
1.Tanzania Breweries Limited announces a multibillion malting plant investment
Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) has announced a Sh96 billion investment in its flagship Kilimanjaro Malting Plant that is being built in Moshi Kilimanjaro This Plant will be opened in March 2024. By this time the operations will start initially but the constructions will proceed to 2025. Once this plant is fully constructed it will produce up to 28000 Metric tonnes.
The Kilimanjaro Malting Plant is expected to inject an additional Tsh 226 billion into the revenue of Tanzania through an expanded value chain across agriculture, malting, brewing, packaging, distribution, logistics, and retail, in addition to the construction of the malting facility.
2. TADB to Issue Loans amounting 336.7bn to support agriculture
Tanzania’s Minister of Finance and Planning Dr Mwigulu Nchemba has stated that In the Next Fiscal Year Tanzania Agriculture Development bank is set to issue 336.7bn to support Agriculture through projects, investing in initiatives and Soft loans to farmers.
3. Export Permits are Essential for Business- Hussein Bashe
Minister of Agriculture Hon. Hussein Bashe, through his Twitter page, has encouraged all Grain traders who sell abroad, especially in the countries of Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Burundi and Rwanda, to make sure they have valid permits to export crops (Export permits) to avoid conflicts.
4. Laws governing extension and Irrigation to be reviewed
Tanzania's Minister Of Agriculture Hon. Hussein Bashe said after the review of the law in 2023/24 financial year, the government will see how to incorporate those with extension and agriculture expertise on how to provide the service. Bashe Said that the aim is to see how to use those who are undertaking extension services training at different institutions and those who have attained agricultural training too.?
Tanzania and Israel agreed to cooperate in practical training for those who have graduated in university education and tertiary training as well as agriculture and livestock keeping In Israel. In Addition to that Training of graduates to Israel has been a success which has been demonstrated by Sokoine University of Agriculture where they were conducted by Sugeco. Graduates go to Israel for a period of 1 year and they also get paid in Training.
1. Funguo Tanzania Call For Application
Funguo Tanzania is calling all Tanzanian startups and SMEs to Apply. Funguo is a UNDP initiative funded by the European Union as part of the Business Environment, Growth and Innovation. Selected applicants will sign a Performance Based Agreement(PBA) and UNCDF. FUNGUOs contribution will be in the form of an equity free responsible grant ranging from TZS 50 million to TZS 100 million. FUNGUO will award up to 28 applications depending on the requested amount. Application was open from 30th May to 30th June.
2. The First ever Farm To Use Pivot Technology In Tanzania;?
The Minister of Agriculture Hon. Hussein Bashe on 28/05/2023 posted a 20 seconds video on his Twitter account and captioned it “The dream is coming to reality, the first-ever seed farm with Pivot technology. Pivot technology, also called water-wheel and circle irrigation, is a method of crop irrigation in which equipment rotates around a pivot and crops are watered with sprinklers.
With this type of Irrigation it’s anticipated that it will increase production and become a top solution of irrigation to cereal and Horticulture crops, However it’s an opportunity in the Agri-tech space where both investors and innovators should eye on the emerging technology.
Tanzanian Verified Agriculture Drone Pilots
Drone Pilots graduated from training courses at the Tanzania Civil Aviation Training Center. CATC Aiming to equip them with skills in early detection and control of crop pests using innovative technology. @EuinTz @FaoTanzania
That's it for this week see you next week on our second Edition of the newsletter
Before You Leave
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