First Day of School- The Most Important Day!
Celsian Education

First Day of School- The Most Important Day!

It's almost here- the first day back to school, both for teachers and students! In some states the first day of school has already arrived but for the most of us, it is August 22, 2016.

The first day of school for students is exciting. They get to see old friends, they get to see who will be in their class for the school year and most importantly, they get to learn who their class teacher will be!

The first day for teachers can often times make or break a teacher's school year! If a teacher is well planned in the areas that make the first day, and the first week a success, then there is a high probability the remainder of the school year will steam ahead with a reasonable amount of ease. 

However, if a teacher fails to plan, or more importantly- fails to plan where it is most important- then the teacher may find themselves chasing the curriculum, school needs and sadly, the students.  And there's a reason why. Every year, teachers need to start the year of with a good impression, just like the need to give a good impression when meeting someone for the first time. Students know within minutes of meeting a teacher if the teacher is someone who has control over the classroom, has control over instruction and ultimately has control over the expectations of the students in the room. If even just one student raises an eye brow with a questioning thought the teacher does not have everything under control, then students will see a teacher who is easily walked over and they know the level of education they desire will not ultimately be delivered.

Our kids are smart. We know that. As adults, we are highly educated and well experienced, yet a seven year old knows what their school year will be like within a matter of minutes of meeting their teacher.

So what do teachers need to plan for? Lets go through a run of areas to pay attention to:

Plan for the first day of instruction- not content- but what routines will be taught and practiced.

Plan to have documents on hand to record how students go home on the first day of school and the week that follows.

Plan to have a place to have students hang their back packs up and to leave their school supplies.

Plan to have a clear entry way into their classroom- always. This isn't just for safety- it is to ensure students swiftly place their belongings down and find their seat.

Plan to have the entire day's supplies on hand and to not rely on planning periods to keep up. Planning periods will need to be used for what the school administration asks you to do before students leave for the day.

Plan where students will sit when they first arrive and if they will do an activity.

Plan how students will line up to go to the cafeteria for lunch, to the specials classes and how they will leave their seats.

And finally, plan on exactly what you will say and cover every minute of the first day of school.

And then, and only then, will students start their school year with a great impression of you!

Below is a great article of everything else a well planned for teacher needs to do before the first day of school!

If I have left anything out, feel free to add additional needs in the comments section! 



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