First day of school advice!
ADVICE FOR PARENTS: With school starting back today, I wanted to share a blog I wrote for my son when he started as a freshman in high school two years ago. I believe the lessons hold true for kids of any age, and it's our responsibility as parents to help them develop into the best version of themselves they can possibly be. I'm sharing this again for the parents (and their kids) who might benefit from reading it and having an impactful discussion. #makeadifference
Lessons for my high schooler....
Over the past few weeks, I was slowly accepting that my son is going to be a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL. (When the heck did this happen anyway?!) And as a dating/life coach, I was determined to make this time of transition beneficial for both of us by focusing on the lessons that come during a massive change. I happen to be a fan of change. It’s exciting, refreshing, and you get to make a new start! At the same time, I’m well aware that many people feel the new and unknown that come with change are scary. To my son on his first day of high school, and to all those who find themselves facing change, I share this:
“You very well might find yourself fumbling and bumbling your way around the first day, or first week, or first month! As the youngest and the most inexperienced, there absolutely will be times when you feel awkward and self-conscious. That is simply a part of life. Everything is hard until it’s easy. That space of newness is where you have the opportunity to test what feels right to you, as well as what doesn’t. This is where the growth happens and your confidence can blossom. To my son, I love you with my whole heart, and I am beyond excited to see you grow into the exceptional man you’re going to be. To you and everyone else, share your light with the world and remember we are all here to make a difference.”
To that end, I wanted to share nine lessons for my new 9th grader...
1. Be kind. Reach out. When you see the kid who is uncomfortable, doesn’t have any friends, and/or is being picked on in some way, be the guy who steps in and does the right thing. Say hello. Be inclusive. Kindness is always the right path.
2. Take school seriously, yet don’t take yourself too seriously. Straight A's will be harder to achieve in high school, yet the more effort you put into life, the more rewards you get back. It’s worth it! And life is much easier when you learn to laugh at yourself. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
3. We all need friends to help us through life. To make lifelong friends, be a good friend. Be trustworthy. Honor your word. Keep confidences. And remember to laugh and be silly. No matter what age you are!
4. Attitude is everything. Do your best. Forget the rest. And remember to smile! ;)
5. Check in with yourself regularly. What makes you feel good? What doesn’t make you feel good? Learn to recognize and trust your inner knowing. It will keep you on your true path.
6. Everyone has struggles. Talk to me, your Dad, your stepmom... about anything and everything. We all need our friends, yet family is FOREVER and loves no matter what. Together we can handle ANYTHING.
7. High school can be full of drama, oftentimes with the girls. #keepinitreal. Many people choose drama, consciously or unconsciously. Either way, choose to walk away from the drama and the people who create it. Do not live in someone else’s story. Write your own. You are a product of who you surround yourself with. Choose wisely.
8. It’s ok to fail. The billionaire CEO of Spanx's Dad asked her every night at the dinner table “what did you fail at today?” and they celebrated failure because it meant they were trying. Take risks! In the words of Michael Jordan, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
9. HAVE FUN!!! Continue kicking massive butt at this whole new level of competition in sports! Meet new girls and although I’m sure you’ll be drawn to the ones that are cute on the outside, make sure they are cute on the inside too. :)
And to all those that might be in a similar space, embrace the newness with the butterflies and the excitement. You're about to grow! xoxo