First Date Conversation Starters
First Date Conversation Starters
So you’ve finally convinced that person you’ve had your eye on to?go out with you—but what do you do when you’re sitting together over dinner or a drink? What’s a good conversation topic to break the ice? What topics should you avoid?
Ralph from Yonkers, New York writes:
“I’m going out with this amazing girl next week. She’s in my class and I’d been working up the courage to ask her out for a year. I’m?excited to go?out with her but it’s occurred to me that I have no?idea what to talk about. How do I break the ice without making myself look stupid? What do you talk about with someone you barely know, but want to know? I don’t want to stay single forever. I want her to be my girlfriend!”
Read:?Asking For A Second Date
Hi Ralph. Congratulations on your date! And congratulate yourself on having the intelligence to think about this in advance. At least that reduces the odds of you doing something foolish, right? Seems like a pretty good start to me.